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Akiner, Shirin (2000) 'Central Asian Republics 1999.' Annual Register: A Record of World Events, 1999. pp. 308-14.

Abu Deeb, Kamal (2000) 'The Collapse of Totalizing Discourse and the Rise of Marginalized/Minority Discourses.' In: Hallaq, W and Abdel-Malek, K, (eds.), Tradition Modernity and Postmodernity in Arabic Literature. Leiden: Brill, pp. 335-366.

Arnold, David (2000) 'Disease, resistance and India, Ecological Frontier, 1770-1947.' In: Pati, Biswamoy, (ed.), Issues in Modern Indian History: For Sumit Sarkar. Mumbai: Popular Prakashan, pp. 1-22.

Akiner, Shirin (2000) 'Emerging Political Order in the New Caspian States: Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan and Turkmenistan.' In: Bertsch, Gary K., Craft, Cassady, Jones, Scott A. and Beck, Michael D., (eds.), Crossroads and Conflicts: Security and Foreign Policy in the Caucasus and Central Asia. London: Routledge.

Ashiagbor, Diamond (2000) 'Flexibility and Adaptability in the EU Employment Strategy.' In: Collins, Hugh, Davies, Paul and Rideout, Roger, (eds.), Legal Regulation of the Employment Relation. London;The Hague: Kluwer Law International, pp. 373-401. ((W.G. Hart legal workshop series, v. 3))

Arnold, David (2000) 'Food Riots Revisited: Popular Protest and Moral Economy in Nineteenth-Century India.' In: Randall, A, (ed.), Moral Economy and Popular Protest: Crowds Conflict and Authority. New York: Macmillan, pp. 123-146.

Arnold, David (2000) 'Gramsci and Peasant Subalternity in India.' In: Chaturv, V, (ed.), Mapping Subaltern Studies and the Postcolonial. London: Verso, pp. 24-49.

Arnold, David (2000) '"Illusory Riches": Representations of the Tropical World, 1840-1950.' Singapore Journal of Tropical Geography, 21 (1). pp. 6-18.

Akiner, Shirin (2000) 'Islam in the Newly Independent Central Asian States in the 1990s.' Harvard International Review, 10. pp. 62-65.

Achcar, Gilbert (2000) '‘La Commune de Paris – 1871’, ‘La révolution russe de 1905’ and ‘La guerre d’Espagne – 1936’.' In: Lowy, Michael, (ed.), Révolutions. Paris: Hazan, 23-33, 69-77, 355-367.

Arnold, David (2000) La Naturaleza Como Problema Histórico: El Medio, La Cultura Y La Expansión de Europa. México: Fondo De Cultura Económica.

Achcar, Gilbert (2000) 'Le monde au seuil du XXIe siècle.' Le Monde diplomatique.

Achcar, Gilbert (2000) 'Le visage inquiétant du nouveau siècle.' Interview, Avancées, Brussels, February 2000.

Achcar, Gilbert (2000) 'Le “pessimisme historique” de Perry Anderson.' Actuel Marx (28). pp. 196-202.

Abu Deeb, Kamal (2000) 'Les visions contradictoires du (oubdes) moi un(s). De l'harmonie statique a la contradiction dynamique.' In: Jouffroy, Alain, (ed.), Adonis : un poète dans le monde d'aujourd'hui, 1950-2000 : exposition du 11 décembre 2000 au 18 février 2001. Paris: Institut du monde arabe, pp. 53-60.

Ash, Robert (2000) '"Like Fish Finding Water". Economic Relations between Hong Kong and China.' In: Ash, Robert, (ed.), Hong Kong in Transition: The Handover Years. London: Macmillan, pp. 58-78.

Achcar, Gilbert (2000) 'L’esprit (et le budget) d’une nouvelle guerre froide.' In: De La Gorce, Paul-Marie, (ed.), Les États-Unis s’en vont-ils en guerre. Brussels: GRIP-Complexe, pp. 75-84.

Aboulsayan, Ahmed (2000) Oil, Economic Growth and Structural Change in the Libyan Economy, 1960-1990. PhD thesis. SOAS University of London. DOI:

Achcar, Gilbert (2000) 'Paix et sécurité.' In: Histoire et sens de la construction européenne. Paris: French Ministry of European Affairs, pp. 228-230.

Akiner, Shirin (2000) 'Political Trends in the New Caspian States: Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan and Turkmenistan.' In: Mustafa, H and Abraham, M, (eds.), Caspian Energy Resources: Implications for the Arab Gulf. Abu Dhabi: Emirates Centre for Strategic Studies and Research, 71-109, 203.

Achcar, Gilbert (2000) 'Preface.' In: Chomsky, Noam, (ed.), Le Nouvel Humanisme militaire: Leçons du Kosovo. Montréal: Éditions Écosociété, pp. 7-19.

Al-Ali, Nadje (2000) 'Review article: Nationalisms, national identities and nation states: gendered perspectives.' Nations and Nationalism, 6 (4). pp. 631-638.

Al-Ali, Nadje (2000) 'Review of "Der neue Islam der Frauen: Weibliche Lebenspraxis in der globalisierten Moderne - Fallstudien aus Afrika, Asien und Europa" by Ruth Klein-Hessling; Sigrid Nökel; Karin Werner.' European Journal of Women's Studies, 7 (4). pp. 523-525.

Al-Ali, Nadje (2000) 'Review of "Sanctioning Saddam: The Politics of Intervention in Iraq" by Sarah Graham-Brown.' Journal of Refugee Studies, 13 (2). pp. 234-235.

Al-Ali, Nadje (2000) 'Review of "Veil: Modesty, Privacy and Resistance" by Fadwa El Guindi.' Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute, 6 (3). pp. 543-544.

Ali, Daud (2000) 'Royal Eulogy as World History: Rethinking Copper-Plate Inscriptions in Cola India.' In: Inden, Ronald, Walters, Jonathan and Ali, Daud, (eds.), Querying the Medieval: The History of Practice in South Asia. Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 165-229.

Arnold, David (2000) Science, Technology and Medicine in Colonial India. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Al-Ali, Nadje (2000) Secularism, Gender and the State in the Middle East: The Egyptian Women's Movement. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. (Cambridge Middle East Studies; 14)

Abu Deeb, Kamal (2000) 'Studies in the Majaz and Metaphorical Language of the Qur''an: Abu ''Ubayda and al-Sharif al-Radi.' In: Boullata, Issa Joseph, (ed.), Literary Structures of Religious Meaning in the Qur'an. London: Curzon Press, pp. 310-353. (Routledge Studies in the Qur'an)

Ali, Daud (2000) 'Violence, Gastronomy and the meaning of war in Medieval South India.' The Medieval History Journal, 3 (2). pp. 261-89.

Al-Ali, Nadje (2000) 'We Are Not Feminists: Egyptian Women’s Rights Activists On Feminism.' In: Nelson, Cynthia and Rouse, Shahnaz, (eds.), Situating Globalization: Views from Egypt. Bielefeld: Transcript Verlag, pp. 337-358.

Al-Ali, Nadje (2000) 'Women and Sanctions in Iraq.' Economic Sanctions on Iraq.

Abu Deeb, Kamal (2000) لدرة اليتيمة التي تنازع عليها أربعون شاعرا : درة قصائد الجسد في الشعر العرب = al-Durrah al-yatīmah allatī tanāzaʻa ʻalayhā arbaʻīna shāʻiran : durrat qaṣāʼid al-jasad fī al-shiʻr al-ʻArabī. Beirut: Mawaqif Publications.


Bernstein, Henry, Woodhouse, Philip and Hulme, David (2000) African Enclosures? The Social Dynamics of Wetlands in Drylands. London: James Currey.

Brenner, Louis (2000) 'Amadou Hampâté Bâ, Tijani francophone.' In: Triaud, Jean-Louis and Robinson, David, (eds.), La Tijâniyya: Une confrérie musulmane à la conquête de l’Afrique. Paris: Karthala, pp. 289-326. (Hommes et sociétés)

Branfoot, Crispin (2000) 'Approaching the Temple in Nayaka-period Madurai: the Kutal Alakar temple.' Artibus Asiae, 60 (2). pp. 197-221.

Bocking, Brian (2000) 'Changing Images of Shinto: Sanja takusen or the Three Oracles.' In: Breen, John and Teeuwen, M., (eds.), Shinto in History: Ways of the Kami. Richmond: Curzon Press, pp. 167-185.

Bajpai, Rochana (2000) 'Constituent Assembly Debates and Minority Rights.' Economic and Political Weekly, 35 (21-22). pp. 1837-1845.

Brenner, Louis (2000) Controlling Knowledge: Religion, Power and Schooling in a West African Muslim Society. London ; Bloomington: C. Hurst & Co ; Indiana University Press.

Booth, Anne (2000) 'Crisis and Response: Trade and Exchange Rates Policies in Three South East Asian Colonies in the 1930s.' In: Boomgaard, Peter and Brown, Ian, (eds.), Weathering the Storm: The Economies of Southeast Asia in the 1930s Depression. Singapore: Institute of Southeast Asian Studies, pp. 274-294.

Baderin, Mashood (2000) Dialogue Among Civilizations as a New Paradigm for Universalism in International Human Rights. In: 13th Annual Meeting of the Academic Council of the United Nations System (ACUNS), 16-18 June 2000., Oslo, Norway. (Unpublished)

Bachmann, Reinhard (2000) 'Die Koordination und Steuerung interorganisationaler Netzwerkbeziehungen über Vertrauen und Macht.' In: Sydow, Jörg and Windeler, Arnold, (eds.), Steuerung von Netzwerken: Konzepte und Praktiken. Weisbaden: Verlag, pp. 107-125.

Baderin, Mashood (2000) 'The Evolution of Islamic Law of Nations and the Modern International Order: Universal Peace through Mutuality and Co-operation.' The American Journal of Islamic Social Sciences, 17 (2). pp. 57-80.

Banda, Fareda and Malleson, Kate (2000) 'Factors Affecting the Decision to Apply for Silk and Judicial Office.' Lord Chancellors Dept. Research Series No.2/00. pp. 1-49.

Banda, Fareda and Malleson, Kate (2000) Factors affecting the decision to apply for silk and judicial office (Research series). London: Lord Chancellor's Department.

Bramall, Chris and Jones, Marion E. (2000) 'The Fate of the Chinese Peasantry.' In: Mooij, Jos E., Bryceson, Deborah F. and Kay, Cristóbal, (eds.), Disappearing Peasantries? rural labour in Africa, Asia and Latin America. London: Intermediate Technology Publications.

Brenner, Louis (2000) 'Histories of Religion in Africa.' Journal of Religion in Africa, 30 (2). pp. 143-167.

Booth, Anne (2000) 'The Impact of the Indonesian Crisis on Welfare: What do we know Two Years On?' In: Manning, Chris and Van Diermen, Peter, (eds.), Indonesia in transition: Social Aspects of Reformasi and Crisis. Pasir Panjang: Institute of Southeast Asian Studies, pp. 145-162.

Booth, Anne (2000) 'The Indonesian Crisis of 1997/99 and the Way Out: What are the Lessons of History.' Economic Papers (Economic Society of Australia), 19 (2). pp. 21-43.

Bramall, Chris (2000) 'Inequality, Land Reform and Agricultural Growth in China, 1952-55: A Preliminary Treatment.' Journal of Peasant Studies, 27 (3). pp. 30-54.

Buendia, Rizal (2000) 'The Institution of Peace Among Ethnic Kalingas: A Case Study of the Sumadel Tribe in Kalinga.' In: Bernardo, Allan and Ortigas, Carmela, (eds.), Building Peace: Essays on Psychology and the Culture of Peace. Manila, Philippines: De La Salle University, pp. 97-112.

Bardhan, Rachel Lucy (2000) "It's rude to interrupt when someone is speaking": Africa95 and the Pamoja International Sculpture Workshop. PhD thesis. SOAS University of London. DOI:

Buendia, Rizal (2000) 'Itneg (Tinggian) Justice and Conflict Resolution (Book Review).' Journal of Southeast Asian Studies, 31 (2). pp. 436-438.

Behrens-Abouseif, Doris (2000) 'La conception de la ville dans la pensée arabe du Moyen-Âge.' In: Nicolet, C., Ilbert, R. and Depaule, J.-C., (eds.), Mégapoles méditerranéennes: géographie urbaine rétrospective : actes du colloque organisé par l'Ecole française de Rome et la Maison méditerranéenne des sciences de l'homme, Rome, 8-11 mai 1996. Paris: Maison méditerranéenne des sciences de l'homme, pp. 32-40.

Behrens-Abouseif, Doris, Denoix, S. and Garcin, J.-C. (2000) 'Le Caire.' In: Jean-Claude, Garcin, (ed.), Grandes Villes méditerranéennes du monde musulman médiéval. Rome: Ecole Française de Rome, pp. 177-203.

Bano, Samia (2000) 'Legal Pluralism and Muslim Family Law in Britain.' Journal of South Pacific law, 4 (6). pp. 1-32.

Brown, Ian (2000) 'Material Conditions in Rural Lower Burma during the Economic Crisis of the Early 1930''s: What the Cotton Textile Import Figures Reveal.' In: Boomgaard, Peter and Brown, Ian, (eds.), Weathering the Storm: the Economies of Southeast Asia in the 1930s Depression. Leiden: KITLV; Singapore: ISEAS, pp. 109-120.

Brenner, Louis (2000) 'Muslim Divination and the History of Religion in Sub-Saharan Africa.' In: Pemberton, J., (ed.), Insight and Artistry in African Divination. Washington: Smithsonian Institute Press, pp. 45-59.

Bocking, Brian (2000) The Oracles of the Three Shrines: Windows on Japanese Religion. London: Curzon.

Bernstein, Henry (2000) 'The Peasantry' in Global Capitalism: Who, Where and Why? London: Merlin Press, pp. 25-51.

Booth, Anne (2000) 'Poverty and Inequality in the Soeharto Era: An Assessment.' Bulletin of Indonesian Economic Studies, 36 (1). pp. 73-104.

Bhaskar, V. and Khan, Mushtaq (2000) 'Privatization and Employment: A Study of the Jute Industry in Bangladesh.' In: Cook, Paul and Kirkpatrick, Colin, (eds.), Privatisation in Developing Countries. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar. (The International library of critical writings in economics, 120; An Elgar Reference collection)

Branfoot, Crispin (2000) 'The Religious Imagery of Khajuraho by Devangana Desai (1996).' South Asian Studies, 16 (1). pp. 151-152.

Branfoot, Crispin (2000) 'Religious Traditions at Vijayanagara as Revealed Through its Monuments by Anila Verghese (1995) and Sculpture at Vijayanagara: Iconography and Style by Anna L. Dallapiccola and Anila Verghese (1998).' South Asian Studies, 16 (1). pp. 152-153.

Branfoot, Crispin (2000) 'Royal Portrait Sculpture in the South Indian Temple.' South Asian Studies, 16. pp. 11-36.

Barrett, T. H. (2000) 'Shinto and Taoism in Early Japan.' In: Breen, John and Teeuwen, M., (eds.), Shinto in History: Ways of the Kami. Richmond: Curzon Press, pp. 13-31.

Bramall, Chris (2000) Sources of Chinese Economic Growth, 1978-1996. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Booth, Anne (2000) 'Southeast Asia: Towards a Sustained Recovery?' In: Singh, Daljit, (ed.), Southeast Asian Affairs 2000. Singapore: Institute of Southeast Asian Studies, pp. 25-46.

Brenner, Louis (2000) 'Sufism in Africa.' In: Olupona, Jacob K., (ed.), African spirituality: forms, meanings, and expressions. New York: The Crossroad Publishing Co., pp. 324-349. (World spirituality, v. 3)

Braginsky, Vladimir (2000) 'Tajus Salatin (The Crown of Sultans) of Bukkhari al-Jauhari as a canonical work and an attempt to create a Malay literary canon.' In: Smyth, David, (ed.), The canon in Southeast Asian literatures. London: Curzon, pp. 183-209.

Burton, Andrew (2000) Wahuni, the undesirables: African urbanisation, crime and colonial order in Dar es Salaam, 1919-1961. PhD thesis. SOAS University of London. DOI:

Behrens-Abouseif, Doris (2000) 'Waqf as Remuneration and the Family Affairs of Al-Nasir Mohammad and Baktimur al-Saqi.' In: Behrens-Abouseif, Doris, (ed.), The Cairo heritage: essays in honor of Laila Ali Ibrahim. Cairo: The American University in Cairo Press, pp. 55-68.


Cleaver, Frances (2000) 'Analysing Gender Roles in Community Based Natural Resource Management: negotiation, lifecourses and social inclusion.' IDS Bulletin, 31 (2). pp. 58-64.

Charney, Michael W. (2000) 'Buddhist or Muslim Rulers? Models of Kingship in Arakan (Western Burma) in the Fourteenth to Fifteenth Centuries.' (Unpublished)

Charney, Michael W. (2000) Burmese on the Move in the Asian Domestic Economy: Change and Continuity in Cart and Wagon Transportation Technologies in Colonial Burma. In: Burma Studies Conference, 13-15 October, 2000, DeKalb, Illinois. (Unpublished)

Charney, Michael W. (2000) Chinese Markets, Western Steam Technologies, and Burmese Labour Migration: New Perspectives on the Emergence of Lower Burma’s Rice Trade. In: 16th Conference of the International Association of Historians of Asia, 27-31 July 2000, Universiti Malaysia Sabah, Kota Kinabalu, Sabah, Malaysia. (Unpublished)

Chao, Wynn and Mui, Evelynne (2000) 'Clausal adverbs and clausal structures in Cantonese.' Cahiers de Linguistique Asie Orientale, 29 (1). pp. 3-39.

Clarence-Smith, William (2000) Cocoa and Chocolate 1765-1914. London: Routledge.

Coldham, Simon (2000) 'Criminal Justice Policies in Commonwealth Africa.' Journal of African Law, 44 (2). pp. 218-238.

Cleaver, Frances (2000) 'Do Men Matter? New Horizons in Gender and Development.' Id21 Insights (35).

Croll, Elisabeth (2000) Endangered Daughters: Discrimination and Development in Asia. London: Routledge.

Charney, Michael W. (2000) The External and Internal Sides of Chinese-ness: Colonial Historiography and the "Overseas Chinese" in Burma. In: East Asian Institute and Centre for Advanced Studies Joint Seminar, Singapore: East Asia Institute/National University of Singapore. (Unpublished)

Charney, Michael W. (2000) From Colonial Elites to Postcolonial Transnational Migrants: the Politics of Travel-Writing and European Expatriate Identity in the Colonial-Postcolonial Transition. In: Art, Literature and Travel Conference, 27-28 May 2000, National Sun Yat-sen University, Kaohsiung, Taiwan. (Unpublished)

Cui, Yan (2000) 'Hanyu Jiaoxuezhongde Zhenshixing yu Shiyongxing – Tan Chuji Hanyu Kouyuke Duichuxuezhe Shiyong Yuyan Nenglide Xulian Wenti [Practical Teaching Method – Training Learners’ Ability to Use the Target Language at Elementary Level].' Haiwai Huawen Jiaoyu (Overseas Chinese Education), 2. pp. 7-22.

Cohen, Gideon P E (2000) Identity and opportunity: The implications of using local languages in the primary education system of the Southern Nations, Nationalities and Peoples Region (SNNPR), Ethiopia. PhD thesis. SOAS University of London. DOI:

Clarence-Smith, William (2000) 'The Impact of 1898 on Spanish trade and investment in the Philippines.' In: Macdonald, Charles J-H, (ed.), Old ties and new solidarities: Studies on Philippine communities. Manila: Ateneo de Manila University Press, pp. 234-68.

Cramer, Christopher (2000) 'Inequality, Development and Economic Correctness.' SOAS Department of Economics Working Paper Series, 105.

Coldham, Simon (2000) 'Land Inheritance Issues in Zimbabwe today.' In: Bowyer-Bower, T and Stoneman, Colin, (eds.), Land Reform in Zimbabwe: Constraints and Prospects. London: Ashgate, pp. 159-165.

Coldham, Simon (2000) 'Land Reform and Customary Rights: The Case of Uganda.' Journal of African Law, 44 (1). pp. 65-77.

Contadini, Anna (2000) 'Le arti del periodo Fatimide.' In: Cassanelli, Roberto, (ed.), Il Mediterraneo e L'Arte nel Medioevo. Milan: Jaca Book, pp. 118-137.

Contadini, Anna (2000) 'Le arti in Spagna e Marocco nei periodi almoravide e almoade.' In: Cassanelli, Roberto, (ed.), Il Mediterraneo e L'Arte nel Medioevo. Milan: Jaca Books, pp. 38-61.

Craven, Matthew (2000) 'Legal Differentiation and the Concept of the Human Rights Treaty in International Law.' European Journal of International Law, 11 (3). pp. 489-519.

Charney, Michael W. (2000) Localising Learning or Learning to be Local? Religious Education and the Emergence of Chinese-Burmese Buddhist Communities in Singapore and Penang. In: International Conference on Immigrant Societies and Modern Education, 31 August-3 September 2000, Singapore. (Unpublished)

Cornwall, Andrea (2000) 'Missing men? Reflections on men masculinities and gender in GAD.' IDS Bulletin, 31 (2). pp. 18-27.

Cleaver, Frances (2000) 'Moral Ecological Rationality: institutions and the management of common property resources.' Development and Change, 31 (2). pp. 361-383.

Cramer, Christopher (2000) 'Privatisation and Adjustment in Mozambique: a ''Hospital Pass''?' SOAS Department of Economics Working Paper Series, 111.

Charney, Michael W. (2000) Problems of Historicizing Transnational Migration in a Global Context: the Case of the Overseas Chinese in the Nineteenth- and Twentieth-century Straits and Lower Burma. In: World History Association Australasian Affiliate Branch Conference, 27-28 April 2000, Wollongong, Australia. (Unpublished)

Charney, Michael W. (2000) 'A Reinvestigation of Konbaung-era Burman Historiography on the Beginnings of the Relationship Between Arakan an Ava (Upper Burma).' Journal of Asian History, 34 (1). pp. 53-68.

Charney, Michael W. (2000) 'Review of Anthony Reid, 'The Last Stand of Asian Autonomies'.' Internationales Asienforum, 31 (1/2). pp. 160-162.

Charney, Michael W. (2000) 'Review of David K. Wyatt and Aroonrut Wichienkeeo (trans.), 'The Chiang Mai Chronicle'.' Journal of Southeast Asian Studies, 31 (2). pp. 450-451.

Charney, Michael W. (2000) 'Review of Julie Sell, 'Whispers at the Pagoda: Portraits of Modern Burma'.' Journal of Southeast Asian Studies, 31 (2). pp. 435-436.

Charney, Michael W. (2000) 'Review of Teruko Saito and Lee Kin Kiong (comp.), 'Statistics on the Burmese Economy: The 19th and 20th Centuries'.' Journal of Asian Business .

Charney, Michael W. (2000) 'Review of Yang Li (Jackie Yang), 'The House of Yang: Guardians of an Unknown Frontier'.' Journal of Southeast Asian Studies, 31 (2). pp. 434-435.

Coetzee, Carli (2000) 'A Room of One’s Own, But Built of Easily Combustible Material.' In: Ghosh-Schellhorn, Martina, (ed.), Writing Women Across Borders and Categories. Münster: Lit Verlag. (Hallenser Studien zur Anglistik und Amerikanistik, 6)

Coldham, Simon (2000) 'Succession Law Reform and Land Tenure in Zimbabwe.' In: Edge, Ian, (ed.), Comparative law in global perspective: essays in celebration of the fiftieth anniversary of the founding of the SOAS Law department. Ardsley, N.Y.: Transnational, pp. 225-240.

Charney, Michael W. (2000) Surviving the Global(izing) City: Burmese Transnational Migrants and Community Formation in Bangkok and Singapore. In: Asian Studies Association of Australia Conference, 3-5 July 2000, Melbourne, Australia. (Unpublished)

Crosby, Kate (2000) 'Tantric Theravada: A bibliographic essay on the writings of François Bizot and other literature on the Yogavacara Tradition.' Contemporary Buddhism, 1 (2). pp. 141-198.

Charney, Michael W. (2000) Transnational Religious Interaction and the Diasporic Encounter: Chinese and Burmese in Singapore’s ‘Burmese’ Buddhist Temple. In: International Conference on Transnational Communities in the Asia-Pacific Region: Comparative Perspectives, 7-8 August 2000, National University of Singapore. (Unpublished)

Charney, Michael W. (2000) 'Transnationalism and the Burmese Buddhist Temples of Singapore and Penang.' (Unpublished)

Contadini, Anna (2000) 'Ugo Monneret de Villard - A Master of the Italian Orientalist School.' In: Vernoit, S., (ed.), Discovering Islamic Art. Scholars,Collectors and Collections 1850-1950. London: I.B. Tauris, pp. 156-162.

Charette, Monik (2000) 'When p-licensing fails: the final high vowels of Turkish.' SOAS Working Papers in Linguistics, 10. pp. 3-18.

Cullet, Philippe and Atik, Jeffery (2000) 'Year in Review: International Economy and the Environment.' Yearbook of International Environmental Law 1999, 10 (1). Oxford University Press. pp. 372-379.

Crosby, Kate (2000) 'uddis and åcikh. The inclusion of the sikkhåpada in the pabbajjå liturgy according to the Samantapåsådika.' Journal of Indian Philosophy, 28. pp. 461-477.


Deraniyagala, Sonali (2000) 'Adaptive Technology Strategies and Technical Efficiency: Evidence from the Sri Lankan Agricultural Machinery Industry.' SOAS Department of Economics Working Paper Series, 104. pp. 1-13.

Dorward, Andrew and Morrison, Jamie (2000) The Agricultural Development Experience of the Past 30 years: lessons for LDCs. Imperial College at Wye, F.A.O..

Dwyer, Rachel (2000) All you want is money, all you need is love: sex and romance in modern India. London: Cassell.

Dwyer, Rachel (2000) 'Bombay Ishtyle.' In: Bruzzi, S and Gibson, P, (eds.), Fashion Cultures: theories, explorations and analysis. London: Routledge, pp. 178-190.

Driver, Ciaran (2000) 'Capacity Utilisation and Excess Capacity: Theory, Evidence and Policy.' Review of Industrial Organization, 16 (1). pp. 69-87.

Dean, Kathryn (2000) 'Capitalism, psychic immiseration, and decentred subjectivity.' Journal for Psychoanalysis of Culture and Society, 5 (1). pp. 41-56.

Dickens, Mark (2000) 'The Church of the East: The Rest of the Story.' Fides et Historia: Journal of the Conference on Faith and History, 32 (2). pp. 107-125.

Deans, Philip (2000) 'Contending Nationalisms and the Diaoyutai/Senkaku Disputes.' Security Dialogue, 31 (1). pp. 119-131.

Dikötter, Frank (2000) 'Crime and punishment in early republican China: Beijing's first model prison, 1912-1922.' Late Imperial China, 21 (2). pp. 140-162.

Davis, Christopher (2000) Death in Abeyance: Illness and Therapy among the Tabwa of Zaire. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press. (International African Library, 23.)

De Blois, Francois (2000) 'Dualism in Iranian and Christian Traditions.' Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society, 10 (1). pp. 1-19.

Davies, Christie and Neal, Mark (2000) 'Durkheim's altruistic and fatalistic suicide.' In: Pickering, W. S. F. and Walford, G., (eds.), Durkheim’s Suicide: A Century of Research and Debate. London: Routledge, pp. 36-53. (Routledge Studies in Social and Political Thought)

Deidda, Luca and Fattouh, Bassam (2000) 'Emergence and Evolution of Banking Centres.' CeFiMS Working paper series. pp. 1-23.

Davies, Christie and Neal, Mark (2000) 'Ethics and the person: Risk, moral recognition and modernity.' In: Flanagan, K. and Jupp, P., (eds.), Virtue Ethics and Sociology: Issues of Modernity and Religion. London: Palgrave, pp. 68-90.

Dolan, Catherine and Humphrey, John (2000) 'Governance and Trade in Fresh Vegetables: The Impact of UK Supermarkets on the African Horticulture Industry.' Journal of Development Studies, 37 (2). pp. 147-176.

Dorfmann-Lazarev, Igor (2000) 'Icône, page blanche et le Carré noir: à propos des recherches sur l’iconographie de M.-J. Mondzain’ (discussion).' Istina, 65 (3). pp. 269-274.

Dikötter, Frank (2000) 'Identidad.' In: Fisac, Taciana and Tsang, Steve, (eds.), China en Transición. Sociedad, cultura, política y economía. Barcelona: Edicions Bellaterra, pp. 165-188.

Deraniyagala, Sonali (2000) 'The Impact of Technology Accumulation on Technical Efficiency; an Analysis of the Sri Lankan Clothing and Agricultural Machinery Industries.' SOAS Department of Economics Working Paper Series, 103.

Dwyer, Rachel (2000) '"Indian values" and the diaspora: Yash Chopra's films of the 1990s.' West Coast Line, 32-34 (2, Autumn). pp. 6-27.

Deidda, Luca (2000) 'Interaction between Economic and Financial Development.' CeFIMS Working Paper Series. pp. 1-44.

Duffy, Rosaleen (2000) Killing for Conservation: The Politics of Wildlife in Zimbabwe. Oxford: James Currey. (African Arguments Series)

Dikötter, Frank (2000) ''La sexualité et les maladies sexuellement transmissibles en Chine: Discours médical et représentations culturelles.' In: Blanc, M-E, Husson, L and Micollier, E, (eds.), Sociétés asiatiques face au Sida. Paris: L'Harmattan, pp. 23-39.

De Blois, Francois (2000) 'The Manichaean daily prayers.' In: Emmerick, Ronald E., Sundermann, Werner and Zieme, Peter, (eds.), Studia Manichaica IV. Internationaler Kongreß zum Manichäismus, Berlin, 14.-18. Juli 1997. Berlin: Akademie Verlag, pp. 49-54. (Berichte und Abhandlungen / Berlin-Brandenburgische Akademie der Wissenschaften, Sonderband, 4)

Driver, Ciaran and Tidd, Joe (2000) 'Measuring Innovation by Market and Financial Indicators.' In: Tidd, Joe, (ed.), From Knowledge Management to Strategic Competence: measures of technological, market and organisational innovation. London: Imperial College Press. (Series on technology management, vol. 3)

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