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Number of items: 1040.

Authored Books

Fuehrer, Bernhard (2008) 2007 Wang Meng’ou jiaoshou xueshu jiangzuo yanjiangji [2007 王夢鷗教授學術講座演講集]. Taipei: Guoli Zhengzhi Daxue / National Cheng-chi University.

Githiora, Chege (2008) Afro-Mexicans: Discourse of Race and Identity in the African Diaspora. Trenton, New Jersey, USA: Africa World Press.

Carr, Jo and Pauwels, Anne (2008) Boys and foreign language learning: Real boys don’t do languages. London: Macmillan.

Zebiri, Kate (2008) British Muslim Converts: Choosing Alternative Lives. Oxford: Oneworld.

Tan, Carol G.S. (2008) British Rule in China: Law and Justice in Weihaiwei 1898-1930. London: Wildy, Simmonds and Hill. (Law in East Asia series)

Bramall, Chris (2008) Chinese Economic Development. London: Routledge.

Cornwall, Andrea (2008) Democratising engagement : what the UK can learn from international experience. London: Demos.

Kim, Jong-Bok and Sells, Peter (2008) English Syntax: An Introduction. Stanford: CSLI Publications.

Beck, Gunnar (2008) Fichte and Kant on Freedom, Rights and Law. Lanham, MD: Lexington Books.

Fine, Ben and Milonakis, Dimitris (2008) From Political Economy to Economics: Method, the Social and the Historical in the Evolution of Economic Theory. London: Routledge.

Van Engeland, Anicee and Rudolph, Rachael (2008) From Terrorism to Politics. London, UK: Ashgate. (Ethics and Global Politics)

Rai, Shirin M. (2008) Gender Politics of Development: Essays in Hope and Despair. London/New Delhi: Zed Books/Zubaan.

Perry-Kessaris, Amanda (2008) Global Business, Local Law: The Indian Legal System as a Communal Resource in Foreign Investment Relations. Aldershot: Ashgate.

Donovan, Jason, Stoian, D. and Poole, Nigel (2008) A Global Review of Rural Community Enterprises: the long and winding road for creating viable businesses. Turrialba, Costa Rica: Tropical Agricultural Research and Higher Education Center (CATIE). (Technical Bulletin No. 29)

Reid, Richard (2008) A History of Modern Africa: 1800 to the present. Malden, MA: Wiley-Blackwell. (Blackwell Concise History of the Modern World)

Shindler, Colin (2008) A History of Modern Israel. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Plesch, Dan and Blankenburg, Stephanie (2008) How to make corporations accountable. Liverpool: The Institute of Employment Rights.

Tejani, Shabnum (2008) Indian Secularism: A Social and Intellectual History 1890-1950. Bloomington, IN: Indiana University Press.

Cullet, Philippe and Ravi, Rajendra [translator] (2008) फिलिप कुलेट, बौद्विक सम्‍पदा संरक्षण और टिकाऊ विकास [Intellectual Property and Sustainable Development]. Delhi: Vani Prakashan.

Sumner, A. and Tribe, M. (2008) International Development Studies: Theory and Methods in Research and Practice. London: Sage.

Adib-Moghaddam, Arshin (2008) Iran in World Politics: the Question of the Islamic Republic. London ; New York: Hurst and Co. ; Columbia University Press.

Kotwal, Firoze M. and Hintze, Almut (2008) The Khorda Avesta and Yašt Codex E1. Facsimile edition. Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz. (Iranica; Bd.16)

Howard, Keith, Lee, Chaesuk and Casswell, Nicholas (2008) Korean Kayagum Sanjo: A Traditional Instrumental Genre. Aldershot: Ashgate. (SOAS Musicology Series)

Parfitt, Tudor (2008) The Lost Ark of the Covenant: The Remarkable Quest for the Legendary Ark. London/New York: Harper Collins.

Jacobsen, Trudy (2008) Lost Goddesses: The Denial of Female Power in Cambodian History. Copenhagen S., Denmark: NIAS Press. (Gendering Asia, no. 4)

Reyes, Raquel A. G. (2008) Love, Passion and Patriotism: sexuality and the Philippine propaganda movement, 1882-1892. Seattle, Washington; Singapore: NUS Press Singapore in association with University of Washington Press. (Critical Dialogues in Southeast Asian Studies)

Kabeer, Naila (2008) Mainstreaming gender and social protection in the informal economy. New Dehli: Routledge.

Harris, Rachel (2008) The Making of a Musical Canon in Chinese Central Asia: The Uyghur Twelve Muqam. Aldershot: Ashgate.

Hutt, Michael and Chettri, Lil Bahadur (2008) Mountains Painted with Turmeric. New York: Columbia University Press.

Salih, Ruba (2008) Musulmane Rivelate. Donne, Islam, Modernita. Winner of Premio Pozzale 2009. Rome: Carocci.

Brockington, Dan, Duffy, Rosaleen and Igoe, James (2008) Nature Unbound: Conservation, Capitalism and the Future of Protected Areas. London: Earthscan.

Savage, Polly (2008) Nnenna Okore : Ulukububa Infinite Flow. London: October Gallery.

Sriram, Chandra (2008) Peace as Governance: Power-sharing, Armed Groups, and Contemporary Peace Negotiations. Basingstoke: Palgrave MacMillan.

Achcar, Gilbert and Chomsky, Noam (2008) Perilous Power. The Middle East and U.S. Foreign Policy. Dialogues on Terror, Democracy, War and Justice. London: Penguin.

Heraty, Toeti, Satyamurti, Carol (translator) and Kratz, E. Ulrich (translator) (2008) Poems — Puisi. London: Enitharmon Press in association with Poetry Translation Centre.

Pang, Zhaoxia (2008) Practical Handbook of Simplified and Full-form Characters [實用簡繁體漢字對照手冊]. United Kingdom: Cypress Book Co..

Radice, William and Tagore, Rabindranath (2008) Rabindranath Tagore: The Post Office and Card Country. Kolkata: Visva- Bharati.

Harriss-White, Barbara (2008) Rural Commercial Capital: Agricultural Markets in West Bengal. New Delhi: Oxford University Press.

Jennings, Michael (2008) Surrogates of the State: Non-Governmental Organisations, Development and Ujamaa in Tanzania. Bloomfield, Ct: Kumarian Press.

Hughes, David W. (2008) Traditional Folk Song in Modern Japan. Sources, Sentiment and Society. Folkestone: Global Oriental.

Li, Defeng (2008) Translating Commercial Texts. Taiwan: Bookman. (Unpublished)

Leiser, Gary and Redford, Scott (2008) Victory Inscribed: The Seljuk Fetihname on the Citadel Walls of Antalya, Turkey. Istanbul: AKMED. (Adalya Supplements, No. 7)

Dwyer, Rachel (2008) What do Hindus believe? London: Granta.

Barrett, T. H. (2008) The Woman Who Discovered Printing. London: Yale University Press.

Radice, William and Saltzwedel, Caroline (2008) The dancing mouse: poems = Die tanzende Maus. Hamburg: Hirundo Press.

Edited Book or Journal Volume

Austin, Peter, ed. (2008) 1000 languages. The worldwide history of living and lost tongues. London: Thames and Hudson.

Hanappi, Hardy and Elsner, Wolfram, eds. (2008) Advances in Evolutionary, Institutional Economics. Evolutionary Mechanisms, Non-Knowledge and Strategy. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar.

Large, Daniel, Alden, Chris and Soares de Oliveira, Ricardo, eds. (2008) China Returns to Africa: a rising power and a continent embrace. London: Hurst and Co..

Innes, Michael A., ed. (2008) The Clandestine Politics of Sanctuary. London: Taylor and Francis. (Special Issue of Civil Wars 10:1)

Kumar, Sunil, ed. (2008) Demolishing Myths or Mosques and Temples? Readings on History and Temple Desecration in Medieval India. Delhi: Three Essays Press.

Cornwall, Andrea, Correa, Sonia and Jolly, Susan, eds. (2008) Development with a body: sexuality, human rights and development. London: Zed Books.

Jennings, Michael and Clarke, Gerard, eds. (2008) Development, Civil Society and Faith-Based Organisations: Bridging the Sacred and the Secular. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan.

Jackson, Stevi, Liu, Jieyu and Woo, Juhyun, eds. (2008) East Asian sexualities : modernity, gender and new sexual cultures. London: Zed Books.

Nikolaeva, Irina and Spencer, Andrew, eds. (2008) Editorial. Morphosyntactic mismatches and mixed categories. Amsterdam: Elsevier. (Special issue of Lingua. Vol 118 No. 4)

West, Harry G. and Raman, Parvathi, eds. (2008) Enduring Socialism: Explorations of Revolution and Transformation, Restoration and Continuation. Oxford: Berghahn.

Wall, Caleb R.L. and Mollinga, Peter, eds. (2008) Fieldwork in difficult environments. Methodology as boundary work in development research. Berlin: LIT Verlag. (ZEF development studies, v. 7)

Martinez, Dolores and Mukharji, Projit B., eds. (2008) Football: from England to the World. London: Taylor and Francis.

Kabeer, Naila and Stark, Agneta, eds. (2008) Global Perspectives on Gender Equality: Reversing the Gaze. London: Routledge.

Nissanke, Machiko and Thorbecke, Erik, eds. (2008) Globalization and the Poor in Asia: Can Shared Growth be Sustained? Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan.

Chan, Stephen, Arnswald, Ulrich and Bauer, Peter, eds. (2008) Hermeneutics and Politics: The Philosophy of Hans-Georg Gadamer in International Relations. Karlsruhe: karlsruhe University Press.

Foxon, Tim, Kohler, Jonathan and Oughton, Christine, eds. (2008) Innovation for a Low Carbon Economy. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar.

Tsang, Steve, ed. (2008) Intelligence and Human Rights in the Era of Global Terrorism. Stanford: Stanford University Press. (Stanford Security Studies)

Flügel, Peter, ed. (2008) International Journal of Jaina Studies Volume 1-3 2005-2007. Mumbai: Hindi Granth Karyalay. (International Journal of Jaina Studies)

Baderin, Mashood, ed. (2008) International Law and Islamic Law. UK: Ashgate. (Library of Essays in International Law)

Plesch, Dan, ed. (2008) International Relations. September 2008, Volume 22, No. 3. Los Angeles, London, New Delhi and Singapore: Sage.

Crosby, Kate, ed. (2008) Kammic Communities: theory and practice in modern Theravada. Abingdon: Taylor and Francis. (Special Issue: Contemporary Buddhism. Volume 9, Number 1)

Bachmann, Reinhard and Zaheer, Akbar, eds. (2008) Landmark Papers on Trust. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar. (The International Library of Critical Writings on Business and Management series)

Denton, Kirk A. and Hockx, Michel, eds. (2008) Literary Societies of Republican China. Lanham, MD: Lexington Books.

Bruno, Cosima and Tarocco, Francesca, eds. (2008) Made in China: nuovi scrittori. Milano: Mondadori.

Basu, Paul and Coleman, Simon, eds. (2008) Migrant Worlds, Material Cultures, special issue of Mobilities 3(3). London: Taylor and Francis.

Muchlinski, Peter, Ortino, Federico and Schreuer, Christoph, eds. (2008) The Oxford Handbook of International Investment Law. Oxford and New York: Oxford University Press.

Fell, Dafydd, ed. (2008) The Politics of Modern Taiwan. London: Routledge. (4 v. Critical Issues in Modern Politics)

Khalili, Laleh, ed. (2008) Politics of the Modern Arab World: Critical Concepts (4 Volumes). London: Routledge.

Alsharekh, Alanoud and Springborg, Robert, eds. (2008) Popular culture and political identity in the Arab Gulf states. London: SAQI in association with London Middle East Institute, SOAS.

Tanner, Thomas and Mitchell, Tom, eds. (2008) Poverty in a Changing Climate, IDS Bulletin, Volume 39, Issue 4. Brighton: Wiley.

Chang, C. B. and Haynie, Hannah J., eds. (2008) Proceedings of the 26th West Coast Conference on Formal Linguistics. Somerville, MA: Cascadilla Proceedings Project.

Neal, Mark and Jones, C. J., eds. (2008) Proceedings of the 2nd International Colloquium on Business and Management (ICBM) / International Conference on Business and Management Education (ICBME). Bankok: International Colloquium on Business and Management.

Neal, Mark and Jones, C. J., eds. (2008) Proceedings of the 2nd International Colloquium on Tourism and Leisure (ICTL) 2008. Bingley: International Colloquium on Tourism and Leisure.

Neal, Mark and Jones, C. J., eds. (2008) Proceedings of the International Conference on Asian Business (ICAB). Delhi: International Conference on Asian Business.

Carpenter, John, ed. (2008) Reading Surimono: The Interplay of Text and Image in Japanese Prints. Leiden: Brill; Boston: Hotei Publishing.

Salih, Ruba and Gozzi, Gustavo, eds. (2008) Reconstruction Politique, Societè Civile et Cooperation au Moyen Orient. Liban, Iraq, Palestine. Paris, Turin: Harmattan.

Chang, Dae-Oup, ed. (2008) Samsung in Asia: Transnational Samsung and Asian Workers (Asiaro gan Samsung). Seoul, Korea: Humanitas.

Sarkhosh Curtis, Vesta and Stewart, Sarah, eds. (2008) The Sasanian Era. London: I.B. Tauris. (The Idea of Iran)

Jackson, Keith and Debroux, Philippe, eds. (2008) Special Issue: Innovation in Japan: Emerging Patterns, Enduring Myths Asian Pacific Business Review. London: Taylor and Francis. (Asian Pacific Review Vol. 14 No. 3)

Tsang, Steve, ed. (2008) Taiwan and the International Community. Bern: Peter Lang.

Janowski, Bernd, Wilhelm, Gernot, Hecker, Karl, Jördens, Andrea, Klinger, Jörg, Koch, Heidemarie, Kottsieper, Ingo, Nebes, Norbert, Neumann, Hans, Niehr, Herbert, Schwemer, Daniel and Sternberg-el Hotabi, Heike, eds. (2008) Texte aus der Umwelt des Alten Testaments. Neue Folge vol. 4: Omina, Orakel, Rituale und Beschwörungen. Gütersloh: Gütersloher Verlagshaus.

Faulkner, F., Jones, C. J., Neal, Mark and Walsh, J., eds. (2008) Tourism, Leisure and Development: Emerging Themes and Research. Bangkok: SIU Press.

Hammond, Marle and Sajdi, Dana, eds. (2008) Transforming Loss into Beauty: Essays on Arabic Literature and Culture in Honor of Magda Al-Nowaihi. Cairo: American University in Cairo Press.

Austin, Peter and Musgrave, Simon, eds. (2008) Transitivity and Voice in Austronesian Languages. Stanford: CSLI Publications. (Studies in Constraint-Based Lexicalism)

Hanappi, Hardy and Elsner, Wolfram, eds. (2008) Varieties of Capitalism and New Institutional Deals. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar.

Khalili, Laleh, Treacher, Amal and Alldred, Pam, eds. (2008) War. Feminist Review, vol.88. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan.

Book Chapters

Fuehrer, Bernhard (2008) '变化を遂げ社会における中国研究の挑战と展望.' In: Kagami, Mitsuyuki, (ed.), Chūgoku no shin tana hatsugen 中國の新たな發現. Tokyo: Nihon hyōronsha, pp. 87-102.

Xia, Yun and Li, Defeng (2008) '<可比语料量化比较分析与应用文体翻译 
——一项基于自建小型语料库的研究 >.' In: 第18届世界翻译大会论文集. Beijing: 外文出版社, pp. 561-566.

Söhnen-Thieme, Renate (2008) 'Abu Dongbu and his foster-parents: an episode from the Kesar epic in Baltistan.' In: Huber, Brigitte, Volkart, Marianne and Widmer, Paul, (eds.), Chomolangma, Demawend und Kasbek, Festschrift für Roland Bielmeier. Halle (Saale): VGH Wissenschaftsverlag Halle, pp. 227-256. (Beiträge zur Zentralasienforschung; 12)

Muchlinski, Peter and Gomez-Palacio, Ignacio (2008) 'Admission and Establishment.' In: Muchlinski, Peter, Ortino, Federico and Schreuer, Christoph, (eds.), The Oxford Handbook of International Investment Law. Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 227-258.

Gifford, Paul (2008) 'Africa’s Churches and the Second Liberation Struggle of 1989-93.' In: Koschorke, Klaus, (ed.), Falling Walls. The Year 1989/90 as a Turning Point in the History of World Christianity. Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz Verlag.

Gross, Aeyal (2008) 'After the Falls: International Law between Postmodernity and Anti-Modernity.' In: Jouannet, Emmanuelle, Ruiz Fabri, Hélène and Sorel, Jean-Marc, (eds.), Regards d'une génération sur le Droit International. Paris: Pedone, pp. 183-208.

Al-Ali, Nadje (2008) 'Afterword.' In: Al-Qazwini, Iqbal, (ed.), Zubaida's Window: A Novel of Iraqi Exile. New York: The Feminist Press at the City University of New York, pp. 123-135.

Bernstein, Henry (2008) 'Agrarian questions from transition to globalization.' In: Akram-Lodhi, A.H. and Kay, Cristóbal, (eds.), Peasants and Globalization. Political Economy, Rural Transformation and the Agrarian Question. London: Routledge, pp. 239-261. (Routledge ISS studies in rural livelihoods)

George, Andrew (2008) 'Ancient descriptions: The Babylonian topographical texts.' In: Finkel, Irving L. and Seymour, M. J., (eds.), Babylon: Myth and Reality. London: British Museum Press, pp. 60-64.

Charney, Michael W. (2008) 'Anglo-Burmese Wars.' In: Stearns, Peter N., (ed.), Oxford Encyclopedia of the Modern World 1750 to the Present. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Shah, Mustafa (2008) 'The Arabic Language.' In: Rippin, Andrew, (ed.), The Islamic World. New York; London: Routledge, pp. 261-277.

Ali, Daud (2008) 'Aristocratic Body Techniques in Early Medieval India.' In: Datta, Rajat, (ed.), Rethinking a Millennium: Perspectives on Indian History from the Eighth to the Eighteenth Century: Essays for Harbans Mukhia. New Delhi: Aakar Books, pp. 25-56.

Luczanits, Christian (2008) 'Art and Architecture.' In: Gandhara – The Buddhist Heritage of Pakistan. Legends, Monasteries and Paradise. Mainz – Bonn: Zabern – Kunst- und Ausstellungshalle der BRD, pp. 314-317.

Inkster, Ian (2008) 'Association, provincialisme et sociologie du progrès technique: le cas de la Grande -Bretagne, entre 1780 et 1914.' In: Benoit, Serge, Emptoz, G. and Woronof, D., (eds.), Encourager l'innovation en France et en Europe. Paris: Éditions du CTHS, pp. 329-350.

Beck, Gunnar (2008) 'Autonomy, history and natural law in the practical philosophy of Immanuel Kant.' In: Byrd, B. Sharon, (ed.), Themenschwerpunkt: Kants Metaphysik der Sitten im Kontext der Naturrechtslehre des 18. Jahrhunderts. Berlin: Duncker und Humbolt. (Jahrbuch für Recht und Ethik = Annual Review of Law and Ethics, Bd. 16)

Achcar, Gilbert (2008) 'Azmat al-Qiyada wa al-Bada’il.' In: Al-Yasar al-'Arabi fi Muwajahat al-‘Awlama al-Niulibiraliyya. Beirut: Al-Farabi, pp. 94-102.

Sims-Williams, Nicholas (2008) 'Bactrian tallies.' In: Huber, Brigitte, Volkart, Marianne and Widmer, Paul, (eds.), Chomolangma, Demawend und Kasbek, Festschrift für Roland Bielmeier zu seinem 65. Geburtstag. Halle: International Institute for Tibetan and Buddhist Studies, pp. 525-523. (Beiträge zur Zentralasienforschung)

Sreberny, Annabelle and Khiabany, Gholam (2008) 'Becoming Intellectual: The Blogestan and Public Political Space in the Islamic Republic.' In: Ridgeon, Lloyd, (ed.), Iranian Intellectuals 1997-2007. Abingdon: Routledge.

Ismail, Salwa (2008) 'Being Muslim: Islam, Islamism and Identity Politics.' In: Khalili, Laleh, (ed.), Politics of the Modern Arab World. London: Routledge Publications. (Critical concepts in the modern politics of the Middle East)

Fuccaro, Nelida (2008) 'Between imara, empire and oil: Saudis in the frontier society of the Persian Gulf.' In: Al-Rasheed, Madawi, (ed.), Kingdom without Borders: Saudi Political, Religious and Media Frontiers. London: Hurst, pp. 39-64.

Crosby, Kate (2008) 'Blasphemie und Sakrilek im Buddhismus in Geschichte und Gegenwart, mit besonderer Berucksichtigung des Verses Bodhicaryavatara 6.64.' In: Preisendanz, Karin and Franco, Eli, (eds.), Buddhismus in Geschichte und Gegenwart. Hamburg, Germany: University of Hamburg, pp. 207-227.

Luczanits, Christian (2008) 'The Bodhisattva and the Future Buddha Maitreya.' In: Gandhara – The Buddhist Heritage of Pakistan. Legends, Monasteries and Paradise. Mainz – Bonn: Zabern – Kunst- und Ausstellungshalle der BRD, pp. 249-253.

Webster, David R (2008) 'Buddhist Approaches : not 'what' but 'how'?' In: Cheetham, David and King, Rolfe, (eds.), Contemporary Practice and Method in the Philosophy of Religion. London: Continuum, pp. 87-100. (Continuum religious studies)

Skorupski, Tadeusz (2008) 'The Buddhist Permutations of Consciousness.' In: Esoteric Buddhist studies : identity in diversity : proceedings of the International Conference on Esoteric Buddhist studies, Koyasan University, 5 Sept.-8 Sept. 2006. Koya-mati: Koyasan University, pp. 155-170.

Skorupski, Tadeusz (2008) 'Buddhist Visions of Death and Rebirth.' In: Skorupski, Tadeusz, (ed.), Sztuka życia, śmierci i umierania : czterdzieści dziewięć chwil bardo w buddyzmie tybetańskim = The art of life, death and dying : forty-nine moments of bardo in tibetan buddhism. Warsaw: Asia and Pacyfic Museum, pp. 9-62.

Charney, Michael W. (2008) 'Burma.' In: van Dijk, Ruud, (ed.), Encyclopedia of the Cold War; Vol.1. New York: Routledge, pp. 106-108.

Waghmar, Burzine and Young, Ruth (2008) 'Central Asia 500 BC-AD 600.' In: Onians, John, (ed.), The Art Atlas. London: Laurence King, pp. 82-83.

Kula, Nancy C. and Marten, Lutz (2008) 'Central, East and Southern African Languages.' In: Austin, Peter, (ed.), One Thousand Languages. Berkeley and Los Angeles: Ivy Press/University of California Press, pp. 86-111.

Fuehrer, Bernhard (2008) 'Challenges and Perspectives of Chinese Studies in a Changing Society.' In: Kawai, Shinichi, (ed.), New Challenges and Perspectives of Modern Chinese Studies. Tokyo: Universal Academy Press, pp. 109-121.

Lo, Dic (2008) 'China as a “model” of utilizing foreign capital for economic development: perceptions, observations and interpretation.' In: Assmann, Heinz-Dieter, Chan, Thomas M.H. and von Filseck, Karin Moser, (eds.), Perceptions and Images of China. Baden-Baden: Nomos. (Neue China-Studien)

Tsang, Steve (2008) 'China´s Grand Strategy and its Rise.' In: Huldt, Bo, Kerttunen, Mika, Wallander, Bo, Ikegami, Masako and Huldt, Susanna, (eds.), Strategic Yearbook 2007: China Rising: Reactions, Assessments, and Strategic Consequences. Stockholm: Swedish Defence College and Finnish National Defence University.

Tsang, Steve (2008) 'China’s Place in East Asia.' In: Dent, Christopher M., (ed.), China, Japan and Regional Leadership In East Asia. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar.

Sriram, Chandra and Brown, Stephen (2008) 'China’s Role in Human Rights abuses in Africa: Clarifying Issues of Culpability.' In: Rotberg, Robert, (ed.), China into Africa: trade, aid, and influence. Washington, DC: Brookings Institute.

Hunter, Erica C D (2008) 'The Christian Matrix of al-Hira.' In: Jullien, Christelle, (ed.), Les Controverses des Chretiens dans l’Iran Sassanide. Paris: Association pour l'Avancement des Études Iraniennes, pp. 41-56. (Cahiers Studia Iranica, 36)

Dorfmann-Lazarev, Igor (2008) 'The Churches of the Near East and Their Missions From the Persian to the Turkish Conquest, 604-1071.' In: Smith, Julia M. H. and Noble, Thomas F. X., (eds.), Cambridge History of Christianity. Vol. 3: Early Medieval Christianities, c. 600-c.1100. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, pp. 65-85.

Mosse, David (2008) 'Collective action, common property and social capital in south India: an anthropological commentary.' In: Ray, Isha and Bardhan, Pranab, (eds.), The contested commons: conversations between economists and anthropologists. Oxford: Blackwell, pp. 83-106.

Franzén, Johan (2008) '“Communism: The Middle East, North Africa, and Central Asia”.' In: Stearns, Peter N., (ed.), The Oxford Encyclopedia of the Modern World. New York and Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 273-276.

Marten, Lutz, Kempson, Ruth and Bouzouita, Miriam (2008) 'Concepts of structural underspecification in Bantu and Romance.' In: de Cat, Cécile and Demuth, Katherine, (eds.), The Romance-Bantu Connection. Amsterdam: John Benjamins, pp. 3-39.

Johnston, Deborah and Sender, John (2008) 'Confusing counts, correlates and causes: The PRSP and poverty in Lesotho.' In: Rutten, M., Leliveld, A. and Foeken, D., (eds.), Inside Poverty and Development in Africa: Critical Reflections on Pro-Poor Policies. Leiden: Brill, pp. 57-82.

Muchlinski, Peter (2008) 'Corporate Social Responsibility.' In: Muchlinski, Peter, Ortino, Federico and Schreuer, Christoph, (eds.), The Oxford Handbook of International Investment Law. Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 637-687.

Fardon, Richard (2008) 'Cosmopolitan nations, national cosmopolitans.' In: Werbner, Pnina, (ed.), Anthropology and the New Cosmopolitanism: rooted, feminist and vernacular perspectives. Oxford: Berg, pp. 233-259. (Association of Social Anthropologists monographs series; 45)

Humphrey, Caroline, Skvirskaja, Vera and Marsden, Magnus (2008) 'Cosmopolitanism and the city: interaction and coexistence in Bukhara.' In: Mayaram, S., (ed.), The Other Global City. New York: Routledge.

Ali, Daud (2008) 'Cosmos, Realm and Property in Early Medieval Kingdoms.' In: Peterson, Indira and Selby, Martha Ann, (eds.), Tamil Geographies: Cultural Constructions of Space and Place in South India. Albany, New York: State University Press of New York, pp. 117-141.

Clark, Phil and Waddell, Nicholas (2008) 'Courting Conflict.' In: Carroll, Patrick and Waddell, Nicholas, (eds.), Courting Conflict? Peace, Justice and the ICC in Africa. London: Royal African Society.

Schwemer, Daniel and Abusch, Tzvi (2008) 'Das Ritual Maqlû („Verbrennung“).' In: Janowski, Bernd and Wilhelm, Gernot, (eds.), Texte aus der Umwelt des Alten Testaments. Neue Folge vol. 4. Gütersloh: Gütersloher Verlagshaus, pp. 128-186.

Webster, David R (2008) 'Death and Religion.' In: Earle, Sarah, Komaromy, Carol and Bartholomew, Caroline, (eds.), Death and Dying : A Reader. London: SAGE Publications, pp. 42-47.

Gouse, M., Shankar, Bhavani and Thirtle, Colin (2008) 'The Demise of Bt Cotton in KwaZulu Natal.' In: Moseley, W.G. and Gray, Leslie, (eds.), Hanging by a Thread: Cotton, Globalization and Poverty in Africa. Athens, OH: Ohio University Press. (Ohio RIS Global Series)

Carpenter, John (2008) 'Der kulturelle und literarische Kontext von Surimono.' In: Spalinger, Iris, (ed.), Surimono: Die Kunst der Anspielung in japanischen Holzdrucken. Zurich: Museum Rietberg.

Hartung, Jan-Peter (2008) '«Die Mauer muss weg!», oder: Alles ist für sich singulär. Gedanken zur islamwissenschaftlichen Beschäftigung mit Südasien in Deutschland. [«The Wall Must Fall!», or: Everything is Unique in Itself. Thoughts on Dealing with South Asia in Islamic Studies in Germany].' In: Poya, Abbas and Reinkowski, Maurus, (eds.), Das Unbehagen in der Islamwissenschaft. Bielefeld: transcript, pp. 85-104.

George, Andrew (2008) 'Die babylonischen topographischen Texte.' In: Marzahn, J and Schauerte, G, (eds.), Babylon: Wahrheit. Eine Ausstellung des Vorderasiatischen Museums. Berlin: Hirmer, pp. 405-407. (Babylon: Mythos und Wahrheit, 1.)

Menski, Werner F (2008) 'Diritto matrimoniale inglese e legge musulmana.' In: Ferrari, Alessandro, (ed.), Islam in Europa/Islam in Italia. Tra diritto e società. Bologna: Il Mulino, pp. 129-146.

Oya, Carlos, Cramer, Christopher and Sender, John (2008) 'Discretion and Heterogeneity in Mozambican Rural Labour Markets.' In: de Brito, Luis, Castel-Branco, Carlos Nuno, Chichava, Sergio and Francisco, Antonio, (eds.), Reflecting on Economic Questions. Maputo, Mozambique: IESE, pp. 50-71.

Franzén, Johan (2008) '“Dome of the Rock and al-Aqsa Mosque”.' In: Stearns, Peter N., (ed.), The Oxford Encyclopedia of the Modern World. New York and Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 541-542.

Yang, Chia-Ling (2008) 'Duplicity or Multiplicity: Kishida Ginko and Shanghai Intellectuals.' In: Andrews, Julia F. and Shen, Kuiyi, (eds.), Cross-Cultural Artistic Exchange in Later Chinese and Japanese History. Ohio: University of Ohio Press. (Unpublished)

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Fischer, Alexander and Zingel, W.P. (2008) 'Food Security and the Right to Food in India: For Whom, How and Why?' In: Singh, Mahendra Pal, Goerlich, H. and von Hauff, Michael, (eds.), Human Rights and Basic Needs: Theory and Practice. New Delhi: Universal Law, pp. 191-214.

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Nissanke, Machiko and Thorbecke, Erik (2008) 'Globalization and Poverty in Asia: Can Shared Growth be Sustained?' In: Nissanke, Machiko and Thorbecke, Erik, (eds.), Globalization and the Poor in Asia: Can Shared Growth be Sustained? Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 1-23. (Studies in development economics and policy)

West, Harry G. (2008) '"Govern Yourselves!": Democracy and Carnage in Northern Mozambique.' In: Paley, Julia, (ed.), Democracy: Anthropological Approaches. Santa Fe: School of Advanced Research Press, pp. 97-121.

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Nissanke, Machiko and Aryeetey, Ernest (2008) 'Institutional Analysis of Financial Market Fragmentation in sub-saharan Africa: a Risk-Cost Configuration Approach.' In: Mavrotas, George, (ed.), Domestic Resource Mobilization and financial Development. Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 112-116.

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Brenner, Louis (2008) 'Introduction.' In: Bâ, Amadou Hampaté, (ed.), A spirit of tolerance : the inspiring life of Tierno Bokar. Bloomington, IN: World Wisdom, xv-xxvii. (Library of perennial philosophy)

Baderin, Mashood (2008) 'Introduction to International Law and Islamic Law.' In: Baderin, Mashood, (ed.), International Law and Islamic Law. Aldershot: Ashgate. (Library of Essays in International Law)

Khalili, Laleh (2008) 'Introduction to Politics of the Modern Arab World.' In: Khalili, Laleh, (ed.), Politics of the Modern Arab World. London: Routledge.

Brenner, Louis (2008) 'Introduction: Fulfulde religious verse: cultural context and mystical inspiration.' In: Seydou, Christiane, (ed.), La Poésie mystique peule du Mali. Paris: Karthala, pp. 11-35. (Tradition orale (Editions Karthala))

Carpenter, John (2008) 'Inventing New Iconographies: Historicist and Nativist Motives in Late-Edo Surimono.' In: Carpenter, John, (ed.), Reading Surimono: The Interplay of Text and Image in Japanese Prints. Leiden: Brill; Boston: Hotei Publishing, pp. 72-83.

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Hirschler, Konrad (2008) 'Konformität und Randständigkeit: Bettler im vormodernen Nahen Osten (Conformity and Marginality: Beggars in the Pre-Modern Middle East).' In: Pistor-Hatam, Anja and Richter, Antje, (eds.), Bettler, Prostituierte, Paria: Randgruppen in asiatischen Gesellschaften. Hamburg: EB-Verlag, pp. 67-105. (Asien und Afrika (ZAAS) Kiel)

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Palumbo, Antonello (2008) 'La dottrina manichea nel «Compendio» di Dunhuang.' In: Gnoli, Gherardo, (ed.), Il Manicheismo. Volume III, Il mito e la dottrina: testi manichei dell'Asia Centrale e della Cina. Milan: Fondazione Lorenzo Valla e Arnoldo Mondadori Editore, pp. 337-346.

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Gould, Rebecca Ruth (2008) 'Language Dreamers: Race and the Politics of Etymology in the Caucasus.' In: Grant, Bruce and Yalcin-Heckmann, Lale, (eds.), Caucasus paradigms : anthropologies, histories and the making of a world area. Münster: Lit Verlag, pp. 143-166. (Halle studies in the anthropology of Eurasia, v. 13)

Hunter, Erica C D (2008) 'The Language of Mandaic Incantation Bowls in the Early Islamic Era.' In: Voigt, Rainer, (ed.), "Und das Leben ist siegreich!" : mandäische und samaritanische Literatur : im Gedenken an Rudolf Macuch = "And life is victorious" : Mandaean and Samaritan literatures : in memory of Rudolf Macuch (1919-1993). Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz, pp. 117-126.

Newton, Scott (2008) 'Law and Development, Law and Economics, and the Fate of Legal Technical Assistance.' In: Otto, Jan-Michiel and Ryan, Danny, (eds.), Lawmaking for Development: Explorations into the Theory and Practice of International Legislative Projects. Leiden University Press: Leiden, pp. 23-52.

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Menski, Werner F (2008) 'Law, religion and culture in multi-cultural Britain.' In: Mehdi, Rubya, Petersen, Hanne, Reenberg Sand, Erik and Woodman, Gordon R., (eds.), Law and religion in multicultural societies. Copenhagen: DJØF Publishing, pp. 43-62. (Religion i det 21. århundrede, nr. 23)

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Carpenter, John (2008) 'The Literary Network: Private Commissions for Hokusai and his Circle.' In: Meech, Julia and Oliver, Jane, (eds.), Designed for Pleasure: The World of Edo Japan in Prints and Paintings. New York: The Asia Society/University of Washington Press.

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Behrens-Abouseif, Doris (2008) 'Multifunction and Diversity in the Medieval Mosque: The case of Cairo.' In: Rau, Susanne and Schwerhoff, Gerd, (eds.), Topographien des Sakralen. Religion und Raumordnung in der Vormoderne. Berlin: Dölling und Galitz Verlag, pp. 104-115.

Behrens-Abouseif, Doris (2008) 'Multifunction and Diversity in the Medieval Mosque: The case of Cairo.' In: Rau, Susanne and Schwerhoff, Gerd, (eds.), Topographien des Sakralen : Religion und Raumordnung in der Vormoderne. Hamburg: Dölling und Galitz, pp. 104-115.

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McIlroy, David H. (2008) 'What's at stake in natural law?' New Blackfriars, 89 (1023). pp. 508-521.

Chirwa, Danwood and Kaime, Thoko (2008) 'Where are the missing pieces? Constructing a mosaic of the CRC and the African Children’s Charter in Malawi’s law and policy.' Malawi Law Journal, 2. pp. 85-114.

Alessandrini, Michele, Buccellato, Tullio and Scaramozzino, Pasquale (2008) 'Whither the Indian Union? Regional Disparities and Economic Reforms.' Rivista Italiana degli Economisti, 13 (3). pp. 367-399.

Hammond, Laura (2008) 'Why Upholding Humanitarian Principles Does Not Protect Aid Workers.' Development Viewpoint (7).

Lo, Dic (2008) 'Why is China Following a Capital-Deepening Development Path?' Development Viewpoint (9).

Di John, Jonathan (2008) 'Why is the Tax System so Ineffective and Regressive in Latin America?' Development Viewpoint (5).

Al-Ali, Nadje and Pratt, Nicola (2008) 'Women organizing and the Conflict in Iraq since 2003.' Feminist Review, 88. pp. 74-85.

Marsden, Magnus (2008) 'Women, politics and Islamism in northern Pakistan.' Modern Asian Studies, 42 (2/3). pp. 405-429.

Webster, David R (2008) 'A Year in the Blogosphere: Case Study.' Learning and Teaching in Higher Education (2). pp. 86-88.

Fisker-Nielsen, Anne Mette (2008) 'Young Soka Gakkai Members as Political Actors.' JAWS newsletter (42).

Adib-Moghaddam, Arshin (2008) 'Zendan-e Abu Ghraib va Insaniyat (in Persian).' Studies on Israel and the United States, 9 (3). pp. 75-98.

Lu, Xiaoning (2008) 'Zhang Ruifang: Modelling the Socialist Red Star.' Journal of Chinese Cinemas, 2 (2). pp. 113-122.

Chan, Stephen (2008) 'Zimbabwe’s tense countdown.' New Statesman, 02 Apr.

Chan, Stephen (2008) 'Zimbabwe’s unholy alliance.' New Statesman, 20 Aug.

Hsiao, Mark (2008) 'An analysis of the Basel II framework on credit derivatives treatment on trading book for risk mitigation purpose and relationship to banking book.' The Company Lawyer, 29 (1).

Mosse, David (2008) 'The anthropology of international institutions (Conference Report).' Anthropology Today, 24 (5). p. 24.

Chan, Stephen (2008) 'The big steal in Zimbabwe.' Nth Position Online Magazine, May.

Al-Ali, Nadje (2008) 'A blind eye on women.' Comment is Free - The Guardian blog.

George, Andrew (2008) 'The civilizing of Ea-Enkidu : an unusual tablet of the Babylonian Gilgameš epic.' Revue d'assyriologie et d'archéologie orientale, 101. pp. 59-80.

Jinjarak, Yothin (2008) 'The collection efficiency of the Value Added Tax: Theory and international evidence.' Journal of International Trade and Economic Development, 17 (3). pp. 391-410.

Hanappi, Hardy (2008) 'The concept of choice: why and how innovative behaviour is not just stochastic.' Journal of Evolutionary Economics, 18 (2). pp. 275-289.

Markova, Eugenia and Black, Richard (2008) 'The experiences of 'new' East European immigrants in the UK labour market.' Journal of Poverty and Social Justice, 16 (1). pp. 19-31.

Green, Christopher J. and Murinde, Victor (2008) 'The impact of tax policy on corporate debt in a developing economy: a study of unquoted Indian companies.' The European Journal of Finance, 14 (7). pp. 583-607.

Duran, Lucy (2008) 'The kora: tales of a frontier instrument.' World Circuit Records.

Schwemer, Daniel (2008) 'Šāla. A. Philologisch.' Reallexikon der Assyriologie und Vorderasiatischen Archäologie, 11 (7-8). pp. 565-567.

Schwemer, Daniel (2008) 'Šāluš, Šālaš.' Reallexikon der Assyriologie und vorderasiatischen Archäologie, 11. p. 590.

Kirkpatrick, Colin, Murinde, Victor and Tefula, M. (2008) 'The measurement and determinants of x-inefficiency in commercial banks in Sub-Saharan Africa.' The European Journal of Finance, 14 (7). pp. 625-639.

Mezzadri, Alessandra (2008) 'The rise of neo-liberal globalisation and the ‘new old’ social regulation of labour: the case of Delhi garment sector.' The Indian Journal of Labour Economics, 51 (4). pp. 603-618.

George, Andrew (2008) 'The sanctuary of Adad at Zabban? A fragment of a temple list in three sub-columns.' Bibliotheca Orientalis, 65 (5-6). pp. 714-717.

Lake, John (2008) 'The shifting nature of plagiarism and the challenge to international foundation courses.' InForm (1). pp. 12-13.

Adib-Moghaddam, Arshin (2008) 'A (short) history of the Clash of Civilisations.' Cambridge Review of International Affairs, 21 (2). pp. 217-234.

Achcar, Gilbert (2008) 'États-Unis – L’assurance ultime : la suprématie militaire’ Interview.' La Brèche (3). pp. 14-20.

Charette, Monik (2008) 'The vital role of the trochaic foot in explaining Turkish word endings.' Lingua, 118 (1). pp. 46-65.

Conference or Workshop Items

Baderin, Mashood (2008) Access to Justice: An Islamic Perspective. In: Network for Religion in Public Life Lecture Series on Democracy, the Rule of Law and Access to Justice, 15th February 2008, Department of Theology, The University of Exeter, Exeter. (Unpublished)

Fell, Dafydd (2008) Adapting to the New Electoral System: Taiwanese Political Parties’ Legislative Candidate Selection in 2008 in Comparative Perspective. In: Fifth Conference of the European Association of Taiwan Studies Conference, 18-20 April, Charles University, Prague. (Unpublished)

Zou, Huan, Chen, Xiaoyun and Ghuari, Pervez (2008) Antecedents and Consequences of New Venture Growth Strategy: An Empirical Study in China. In: Asia Pacific Journal of Management Special Issue and Conference on Managing in Ethnic Chinese Communities, Kaohsiung.

Finlay, Jim L. and Neal, Mark (2008) Can business education alter cultural norms? In: International Conference on Economics, Law and Management, 4-7 June 2008, University Petru Maior, Romania. (Unpublished)

Pradella, Lucia (2008) Capitalist Development and Imperialism in Marx’s Capital. In: IIPPE Second International Research Workshop, 10-12 September 2008, Procida, Naples. (Unpublished)

Moscati, Maria (2008) Children’s Rights, Legal Scholarship and the Implementation of the United Convention on the Rights of the Child (1989). In: Society of Legal Scholars-Annual Conference-Family Law Panel, 15-17 September, London School of Economic. (Unpublished)

Shinozawa, Yoshikatsu (2008) Coordination and Control of Multinational Fund Management Groups: Some Empirical Evidence from Japan and UK Domiciled Funds. In: British Accounting Association Annual Conference, April 2008, Blackpool. (Unpublished)

Tobin, Damian (2008) Creating Order in the Absence of Formal Regulations and Law: a Historical perspective on Corporate Governance and the Joint Stock Company. In: ESRC Seminar on the Political Economy of Corporate Governance, 4th April 2008, Queens University Belfast. (Unpublished)

Fell, Dafydd (2008) A Critical Election: Taiwan's 2008 Legislative Election in Comparative Perspective. In: The Fifth Annual Conference on China-Europe Relations and Cross-Strait Relations, May 31 - June 2, Xiamen, China.

Olivares-Caminal, Rodrigo (2008) Debt Markets: Where From—Where To? In: First Annual Symposium on Building the Financial System of the 21st Century: an Agenda for Latin America and the United States, June 13-15, 2009, Harvard University. Cambridge, Massachusetts.

Fine, Ben (2008) Development as Zombieconomics in the Age of Neo-Liberalism. In: 35th anniversary conference for the Center for International Development Issues, September 2008, CIDIN, Radboud University, Nijmegen, Netherlands. (Unpublished)

Weeks, John (2008) Economic affects of copper prices on the Zambian economy: Exchange rate regime and Kwacha appreciation. In: Challenges and Prospects for Commodity Markets in the Global Economy, A Workshop in Memory of Alfred Maizels, 19-20 September 2008, SOAS International Workshop. (Unpublished)

Onyema, Emilia (2008) Effective Utilization of Arbitrators and Arbitration Institutions in Africa by Appointors. In: 4th International Arbitration and ADR in Africa Workshop, 29 - 31 July 2008, Conrad Hilton, Cairo, Egypt. (Unpublished)

Onyema, Emilia (2008) Enforcement of Arbitral Awards in Sub-Sahara Africa. In: Inaugural Conference of the Alumni and Friends of the School of International Arbitration, QMUL, 03 December 2008, New Connaught Rooms, 65 Great Queen Street, London. (Unpublished)

Fine, Ben (2008) Engaging the MEC: Or a Lot of My Views on a Lot of Things. In: MEC Workshop, June, 2008, University of KwaZulu-Natal. (Unpublished)

Hamzić, Vanja (2008) Engendered Identities: Undoing Multiple Discrimination. In: Take That Gender! EuroMed Training Course on Intercultural Dialogue around Gender and Lifestyles, October 2008, Bologna, Italy. (Unpublished)

Chatterton, Jocelyn (2008) The Evacuation Question: Why did Medical Missionaries Remain at their posts? In: China Research Workshop, April 22 - 23 2008, Cambridge University. (Unpublished)

Baderin, Mashood (2008) Freedom of Expression and its Limits: The Perspective of Islamic Law. In: Freedom of Expression and its Limits, 7th March 2008, Faculty of Law, Stockholm University, Stockholm, Sweden. (Unpublished)

Fine, Ben (2008) From Financialisation to Neo-liberalism. In: New forces in the World Economy, 27th October, 2008, Coimbra, Portugal. (Unpublished)

Hanappi, Hardy and Hanappi-Egger, E. (2008) From Fun to Skill to Knowledge – and Back. The Spectrum of Edutainment Methods Revisited. In: The 2nd ‘Amazing e-Learning’ Conference, 7-11 March, Suan Dusit Rajabhat University in Bangkok (Thailand).

Poulton, Colin and Dorward, Andrew (2008) Getting Agriculture Moving: role of the state in increasing staple food crop productivity with special reference to coordination, input subsidies, credit and price stablisation. In: AGRA Policy Workshop, June, Nairobi, Kenya.

Ogen, Olukoya (2008) Historicising African Contributions to the Emancipation Movement: The Haitian Revolution, 1791-1805. In: International Conference on "Teaching and Propagating African History and Culture to the Diaspora and Teaching Diaspora History and Culture to Africa, " State University of Rio de Janeiro, 11-13 November, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. (Unpublished)

Reyes, Raquel A. G. (2008) History of Medicine in the Philippines: a survey of the field. In: Proceedings of the First International Conference on History of Medicine in the Philippines edited by Angel Aparicio.

Moscati, Maria (2008) Il riconoscimento di matrimoni contratti all’estero, e il matrimonio dello straniero in Italia. Aspetti di Diritto Internazionale Privato [The recognition of marriage celebrated abroad, and the marriage of not Italian people. Aspect of Private International Law]. In: Salerno Bar Council, May 22, Salerno. (Unpublished)

Dorward, Andrew and Chirwa, Ephraim (2008) Improving Access to Input and Output Market. In: Southern Africa Regional Conference on Agriculture: "Agriculture-led Development for Southern Africa: Strategic Investment Priorities for Halving Hunger and Poverty by 2015, December 2008, Gaborone, Botswana. (Unpublished)

Hakimian, Hassan (2008) Iran's Free Trade Zones: Challenges and Opportunities. In: Conference on ‘The Iranian Economy’, 11-13 December, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.

Sadan, Mandy (2008) Jinghpaw Models of Origins and Migrations and Contemporary Ethnic Discourse in Burma. In: International Conference on the Origins and Migrations of Tibeto-Burman Speakers of the Extended Eastern Himalaya, May 2008, Humboldt University Institute for Asian and African Studies, Berlin. (Unpublished)

Mikosch, H. and Hanappi, Hardy (2008) Knowledge Production Firms versus Universities. On a progressive design of higher education. In: The XV Conferencia International de Estudios Europeos, 26-28 November, Habana (Cuba). (Unpublished)

Moscati, Maria (2008) L’assegno di mantenimento per i figli: aspetti comparati’ [The maintenance for children after divorce: comparative aspects]. In: National Bar Council, June 11, Rome. (Unpublished)

Weeks, John (2008) Macroeconomic Convergence in East, Central and Southern Africa, 1980-2007. In: Workshop on Macroeconomic Policy Convergence in Southern Africa, 23-26 September 2008, Pretoria, South Africa. (Unpublished)

Fell, Dafydd (2008) Maturity of the Electoral System. In: Workshop on Democratic Consolidation in Taiwan, May, St Antony's College, Oxford. (Unpublished)

Fine, Ben (2008) The Minerals-Energy Complex is Dead: Long Live the MEC? In: Amandla Colloquium. (Unpublished)

Fine, Ben (2008) Neo-liberalism as Financialisation. In: Neo-Liberalism and the Middle East. (Unpublished)

Zou, Huan, Chen, Xiaoyun and Ghuari, Pervez (2008) New Venture Growth Choice and Performance: A Resource-based Perspective. In: Proceeding of the Academy of Innovation and Entrepreneurship Conference, Beijing.

Hanappi, Hardy and Rengs, B. (2008) On the Eve of Global Financial Collapse. Explanations, necessity, and policy conclusions. In: The International Conference of EAEPE, 6-8 November, Rome (Italy). (Unpublished)

Kang, Jaeho (2008) The Origin of Techno-City: The Phalanstery and Utopia. In: Post Globalization and East Asia, The 5th EACAG (East Asian Conferences in Alternative Geographies), Seoul.

Al-Attili, Aghlab and Han, Liangxiu (2008) A Phenomenological Review of the role of the Course Organiser. In: 13th Annual Forum for Course Organisers, 15 May 2008, Moray House School of Education, The University of Edinburgh.

Kang, Jaeho (2008) Recollecting the Future: Tactility of Urban Spectacle in East Asia. In: International Urban Humanities Conference: Culture and Memory of Asian Cities.

Fell, Dafydd (2008) Reflections on Taiwan’s 2008 Legislative Elections. In: Sino-European relations and the cross Strait relations Conference, May 31 - June 2, Xiamen University, China. (Unpublished)

Zou, Huan and Chen, Xiaoyun (2008) Resources, Capabilities and New Venture Growth Choice. In: The 19th Chinese Economic Association Annual Conference, Cambridge.

Grady, Kate (2008) Sexual Exploitation and Abuse by United Nations Peacekeepers: A Threat to Impartiality. In: Society of Legal Scholars Annual Conference, 2008, London School of Economics. (Unpublished)

Fine, Ben (2008) Social Capital and Health: The World Bank through the Looking Glass after Deaton. In: Seminar for School of Oriental and African Studies / London International Development Centre, 12th March 2008, London. (Unpublished)

Hamzić, Vanja (2008) Social Responsibility in Advertising. In: 10th Magdalena Festival of Creative Communications, May 2008, Maribor, Slovenia. (Unpublished)

Yekini, Kemi (2008) Social and Environmental Reporting: How informative is the disclosure of Community Involvement Cost – Qualitative or Quantitative. In: Corporate Responsibility Research Conference, 7th – 9th Sept 2008, Queens University, Belfast..

Pizziconi, Barbara (2008) Social deixis in Japanese. In: “East meets West”, 4th Linguistic Politeness Conference, 2008, Budapest, Hungary.

Pradella, Lucia (2008) Società precapitalistiche e mercato mondiale nella quarta sezione della MEGA. Discussione e approfondimenti. In: Marx e la mondializzazione, 2 December, 2008, Federico II University, Naples. (Unpublished)

Wood, Abigail (2008) Sounding the city: music, place and identity in contemporary Jerusalem. In: Hearing Israel: Music, Culture and History at 60, April 13-14, 2008, Charlottesville, VA. (Unpublished)

Martland, Nicholas (2008) South East Asian Film and Cinema Studies at SOAS : The Role of the Library. In: South East Asia Library Group meeting, 12-13 July 2008, Maison Asie-Pacific, Marseille, France. (Unpublished)

Kang, Jaeho (2008) Wandering Along Urban Phantasmagoria: Lindenpassage in Berlin and Najing Lu in Shanghai. In: Seoul Metropolitan Fora 2008: Transformation of Culture and Spatial Economy of Asian City-Regions.

Fine, Ben (2008) Zombieconomics: The Living Death of the Dismal Science in the Age of Neo-Liberalism. In: ESRC Neoliberalism Seminar, 1st April 2008, Centre for Public Policy for Regions (CPPR), University of Glasgow. (Unpublished)

Monographs and Working Papers

Oeppen, Ceri (2008) Afghan case study: Prepared for the Understanding Muslim Ethnic Communities project of the Change Institute. London: Change Institute. (Unpublished)

Nissanke, Machiko (2008) Aid Effectiveness to Infrastructure Building in Asia and Africa. Tokyo:

Khan, Mushtaq (2008) Building Growth-Promoting Governance Capabilities. The Least Developed Countries Report 2009: The state and development governance. Background Paper.

Muchlinski, Peter (2008) The COMESA Common Investment Area: Substantive Standards and Procedural Problems in Dispute Settlement. London: SOAS School of Law Research Paper No. 11/2010.

Selwyn, Tom, Scott, Julie, Karkut, Jonathan and Bell, John (2008) Cetinje Cultural Tourism Strategy: a link across nature and culture. British Council.

Kniveton, Dominic, Schmidt-Verkerk, Kerstin, Smith, Christopher and Black, Richard (2008) Climate Change and Migration: Improving Methodologies to Estimate Flows. Geneva: International Organization for Migration. MRS No.33.

Vincent, Katharine, Tanner, Thomas and Devereux, Stephen (2008) Climate Change, Food Security and Disaster Risk Management. Issues paper for the Expert Meeting on Climate Change and Disaster Risk Management, FAO, Rome, 28-29 February 2008, Institute of Development Studies.

Jinjarak, Yothin (2008) Comments on "Competition Policy in Singapore" (in the 10th Singapore Economic Roundatable). Singapore: Straits Times Press.

Kabeer, Naila, Eyben, R. and Cornwall, Andrea (2008) Conceptualising Empowerment and the Implications for Pro-Poor Growth. OECD-DAC Poverty Network.

Saravanan, V. S., McDonald, Geoffrey T. and Mollinga, Peter (2008) Critical Review of Integrated Water Resources Management: Moving Beyond Polarised Discourse. Bon, Germany: ZEF Working Paper Series 29.

Black, Richard, Kniveton, Dominic, Skeldon, Ronald, Coppard, David, Murata, Akira and Schmidt-Verkerk, Kerstin (2008) Demographics and climate change: future trends and their policy implications for migration. Brighton: Development Research Centre on Migration, Globalisation and Poverty, University of Sussex. Working paper T27.

O’Brien, Karen L., Sygna, Linda, Leichenko, Robin, Adger, W. Neil, Barnett, Jon, Mitchell, Tom, Schipper, E. Lisa F., Tanner, Thomas, Vogel, Coleen and Mortreux, Colette (2008) Disaster Risk Reduction, Climate Change Adaptation and Human Security: A Commissioned Report for the Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs by the Global Environmental Change and Human Security (GECHS) Project. Oslo: GECHS Report 2008:3.

Weeks, John (2008) The Effectiveness of Monetary Policy Reconsidered. Brasilia: International Poverty Centre, Technical Paper 3.

Tanner, Thomas and Mitchell, Tom (2008) Entrenchment or Enhancement: Could Climate Change Adaptation Help Reduce Chronic Poverty? Brighton: Chronic Poverty Research Centre Working Paper 106.

Dorward, Andrew, Chirwa, Ephraim, Slater, Rachel, Jayne, Thom, Boughton, Duncan and Valerie, Kelly (2008) Evaluation of the 2006/7 Agricultural Input Subsidy Programme, Malawi. Final Report. Ministry of Agriculture and Food Security.

Mollinga, Peter (2008) For a political sociology of water resources management. ZEF Working Paper Series 31.

Chang, Dae-Oup (2008) Global Construction and Asian Workers: Expansion of TNCs in Asia and Implications for Labour. Building and Wood Workers' International and Asia Monitor Resource Centre.

Dorward, Andrew and Poulton, Colin (2008) The Global Fertiliser Crisis and Africa. Sussex: Future Agricultures Consortium. Briefing.

Sadan, Mandy (2008) A Guide to Colonial Sources on Burma. Ethnic and Minority Histories of Burma in the India Office Records, British Library. Bangkok: Orchid Press.

McKinley, Terry (2008) How Inclusive is 'Inclusive Growth'? London: Centre for Development Policy and Research, Development Viewpoint 6.

Clark, Phil (2008) If Ocampo Indicts Bashir, Nothing May Happen. Oxford Transitional Justice Research Working Paper Series.

Hakimian, Hassan (2008) Institutional Change, Policy Challenges and Macroeconomic Performance: Case Study of Iran (1979-2004). Washington: The International Bank for Reconstruction and Development / The World Bank on behalf of the Commission on Growth and Development. Working Paper No.26.

Irvin, George (2008) Is the World Returning to 1970s Stagflation? London: Centre for Development Policy and Research, Development Viewpoint 15.

Scobbie, Iain and Hibbin, Sarah (2008) The Israel-Palestine Conflict in International Law: Territorial Issues. London: SOAS School of Law Research Paper No. 02-2010.

Standing, Guy (2008) Labour market policies, poverty and insecurity. Geneva, Switzerland: UNRISD.

Sadan, Mandy (2008) Learning to Listen: a Manual for Oral History Projects. Chiang Mai: Wanida Press.

Donovan, Jason and Poole, Nigel (2008) Linking Smallholders to Markets for Non-Traditional Agricultural Exports: a Review of Experiences in the Caribbean Basi. Rome: FAO AAACP Paper Series No. 2.

Devereux, Stephen, Sabates-Wheeler, Rachel, Guenther, Bruce, Dorward, Andrew, Poulton, Colin and Al-Hassan, R. (2008) Linking Social Protection and Support to Small Farmer Development. Geneva: FAO.

Dorward, Andrew and Sabates-Wheeler, Rachel (2008) Linking Social Protection and Support to Small Farmer Development: Malawi Case Study [Commissioned by F.A.O.]. Rome: FAO.

Kent, Rebecca and Poulton, Colin (2008) Marginal Farmers, A Review of the Literature. Prepared on behalf of Concern Worldwide. (Unpublished)

Banda, Fareda (2008) Mechanism to Address Laws that Discriminate Against Women. Geneva: Office of the High Commission for Human Rights.

Kong, Tat Yan (2008) North Korea's Nuclear Capacity and the Path of Reform. Written Evidence for the House of Commons Foreign Affairs Select Committee Tenth Report, Global Security: Japan and Korea. London: UK Parliament House of Commons: Select Committee on Foreign Affairs.

Weeks, John (2008) A Note on Mundell-Fleming and Developing Countries. London: Department of Economics, SOAS University of London. Working Paper no. 155.

Clark, Phil (2008) Ocampo’s Darfur Strategy Depends on Congo. Oxford Transitional Justice Research Working Paper Series.

Nadarajah, Suthaharan and Vimalarajah, Luxshi (2008) The Politics of Transformation: the LTTE and the 2002-2006 peace process in Sri Lanka. Berlin: Berghof Research Center for Constructive Conflict Management. Berghof Transitions Series No. 4.

Karshenas, Massoud (2008) Poverty Trends in Least Developed Countries. Geneva: UNCTAD. Background Paper No. 4.

Kabeer, Naila (2008) RPC Pathways of Women’s Empowerment: Paid Work, Women’s Empowerment and Gender Justice: Critical Pathways of Social Change. Pathways Working Paper 3.

Mollinga, Peter (2008) The Rational organisation of dissent. Interdisciplinarity in the study of natural resources management. ZEF Working Paper Series 33.

Marriage, Zoe (2008) Reading Wars Actively. London: African Arguments.

Dorward, Andrew, Hazell, Peter and Poulton, Colin (2008) Rethinking Agricultural Input Subsidies in Poor Rural Economies. Sussex: Future Agricultures Consortium. Discussion Paper, no.5.

Pablo Painceira, Juan (2008) The Role of Developing-Country Reserve Accumulation in the Current Financial Crisis. London: Centre for Development Policy and Research, Development Viewpoint 18.

Mitchell, Tom, Sabates-Wheeler, Rachel, Devereux, Stephen, Tanner, Thomas, Davies, Mark and Leavy, Jennifer (2008) Rural Disaster Risk–Poverty Interface. Brighton: Institute of Development Studies.

Tanner, Thomas, Jun, Xia and Holman, Ian (2008) Screening for climate change adaptation: A process to assess and manage the potential impact of climate change on development projects and programmes in China. Brighton: Institute of Development Studies.

Plesch, Dan (2008) Strategic Concept for the Regulation of Arms Possession and Proliferation. Westminster: House of Commons.

Khan, Mushtaq (2008) Technological Upgrading in Bangladeshi Manufacturing: Governance Constraints and Policy Responses in the Ready-made Garments Industry. UNDP Bangladesh. (Unpublished)

Burton, Martin, Smith, Laurence and Roux, Julienne (2008) Toolkit for Monitoring and Evaluation of Agricultural Water Management Projects. Washington D.C.: The World Bank.

Heintz, James, Oya, Carlos and Zepeda, Eduardo (2008) Towards an Employment-centred Development Strategy for Poverty Reduction in The Gambia: Macroeconomic and Labour Market Aspects. UNDP.

Ayers, Jessica and Tanner, Thomas (2008) ‘Treading lightly’: Travel and Offsetting Policies in UK International Development Research Institutes and NGOs. Brighton: Climate Change and Disasters Group. Institute of Development Studies.

Guarcello, Lorenzo, Rosati, Furio Camillo and Scaramozzino, Pasquale (2008) Uncertainty, Education, and the School-to-Work Transition: Theory and Evidence from Brazil. Understanding Children's Work Project Working Paper Series.

Poole, Nigel (2008) Understanding poverty in rural Mexico. id21 Research Highlight 27 April.

Khan, Mushtaq (2008) Vulnerabilities in Market-led Growth Strategies and Challenges for Governance. Department for International Development (DFID). (Unpublished)

Simpson, Edward (2008) Was there discrimination in the distribution of resources after the earthquake in Gujarat? Imagination, epistemology, and the state in western India. London: London School of Economics and Political Science.

Simister, John (2008) Women in Egypt, Nigeria, and India can protect themselves from ‘Gender-Based Violence’ caused by avoiding high temperatures. Development Ideas and Practices. Working Paper DIP-08-01.

Simpson, Edward (2008) The politics of loss, alienation and nostalgia after the ‘Gujarat’ Earthquake. Colombo: International Centre for Ethnic Studies.

Simpson, Edward (2008) The rise and fall of collective public action in the aftermath of the Gujarat Earthquake of 2001. London: London School of Economics and Political Science.

Book Reviews

Newsham, Andrew (2008) 'African development and African studies.' African Affairs, 107 (429). pp. 641-650.

Blin, Myriam (2008) 'Book Review: Women's Role in Economic Development, Ester Boserup.' Gender and Development, 16 (1).

Marsden, Magnus (2008) 'Book review of Reid, Anthony and Michael Gilsenan eds., 'Islamic Legitimacy in a Plural Asia'.' Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute, 14 (4). pp. 928-929.

Laamann, Lars (2008) 'Contextualization of Christianity in China: An Evaluation in Modern Perspective edited by Peter Chen-Main Wang (Collectania Serica).' Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies, 71 (3). pp. 593-595.

Heller, Kevin (2008) 'Deconstructing International Criminal Law.' Michigan Law Review, 106 (6). pp. 975-999.

Branfoot, Crispin (2008) 'Ebba Koch: The Complete Taj Mahal and the Riverfront Gardens of Agra.' Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies, 71 (1). pp. 133-134.

Fardon, Richard (2008) 'Fabian as investigative style.' African Studies Review, 51 (3). pp. 165-168.

Bachmann, Reinhard (2008) ''The Firm as a Collaborative Community - Reconstructing Trust in the Knowledge Economy' by Charles Heckscher and Paul S. Adler (eds.). Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2006.' British Journal of Industrial Relations, 46 (2). pp. 377-379.

Lake, John (2008) 'Focus on IELTS Foundation by Sue O'Connell.' IATEFL Voices (201). p. 14.

Amoah, Michael (2008) 'Ghana: one decade of the liberal state.' Journal of Modern African Studies, 46 (1). pp. 160-161.

Alshaer, Atef (2008) 'Heroes and Martyrs of Palestine: The Politics of National Commemoration, by Laleh Khalili.' Studies in Ethnicity and Nationalism, 8 (1). pp. 183-185.

Khalili, Laleh (2008) 'Homeland Insecurity: A Review of Saree Makdisi’s Palestine Inside Out.' Times Higher Education .

Volz, Ulrich (2008) 'Identity and Violence. The Illusion of Destiny. By Amartya Sen.' Journal of Intercultural Studies, 29 (4). pp. 429-432.

Branfoot, Crispin (2008) 'Indian Temple Sculpture by John Guy (2007).' Arts of Asia, 38 (1). pp. 130-131.

Alshaer, Atef (2008) 'The Last Resistance, by Jacqueline Rose.' Studies in Ethnicity and Nationalism, 8 (2). pp. 376-378.

Marchand, Trevor H.J. (2008) 'Modernity's Artisanal Roots. [Review of] The Body of the Artisan: Art and Experience in the Scientific Revolution by Pamela Smith.' The Senses and Society Journal, 3 (1). pp. 91-96.

Mueller, Bernd (2008) 'The Persistence of Subsistence Agriculture: Life Beneath the Level of the Marketplace - By Tony Waters.' Journal of Agrarian Change, 8 (4). pp. 643-646.

Shah, Mustafa (2008) 'Philosophy, Theology and Mysticism in Medieval Islam. Texts and Studies on the Development and History of Kalam, Vol. I ; Early Islamic Theology: The Muʿtazilites and al-Ashʿarī. Texts and Studies on the Development and History of Kalam, Vol. II.' Journal of Qur'anic Studies, 10 (1). pp. 137-141.

Lake, John (2008) 'The Practice of English Language Teaching (4th edn) by Jeremy Harmer.' IATEFL Voices (202). p. 15.

Rettová, Alena (2008) 'Review of "Alamin Mazrui: Swahili Beyond the Boundaries: Literature, Language, Identity".' Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies, 71 (3). pp. 608-609.

Marchand, Trevor H.J. (2008) 'Review of "Hausa Urban Art and Its Social Background: External House Decorations in a Northern Nigerian City" by Friedrich W. Schwerdtfeger.' Africa: Journal of the International African Institute, 78 (3). pp. 469-470.

Wood, Abigail (2008) 'Review of "The Rough Guide to the Music of Israel" (2006), "Putumayo Presents Israel" (2007), "With Songs They Respond: The Diwan of the Jews from Central Yemen" (2006) and "A Song of Dawn: The Jerusalem Sephardi Baqqashot at the Har Tzyion Synagogue" (2007).' Ethnomusicology, 52 (3). pp. 493-502.

Rettová, Alena (2008) 'Review of "Xavier Garnier: Le roman Swahili: la notion de 'littérature mineure' à l'épreuve".' Research in African Literatures, 39 (3). pp. 210-211.

Alshaer, Atef (2008) 'Review of 'A Country of Words: A Palestinian Journey from the Refugee Camp to the Front Page', by Abdel Bari Atwan.' Electronic Intifada .

Gerteis, Christopher (2008) 'Review of 'A Sociology of Work in Japan' by Ross Mouer and Hirosuke Kawanishi.' Labor History, 49 (2). pp. 260-261.

Gerteis, Christopher (2008) 'Review of 'Gendering Modern Japanese History' edited by Barbara Molony and Kathleen Uno.' Journal of Asian Studies, 67 (1). pp. 326-328.

Tythacott, Louise (2008) 'Review of 'Imperialism, Art and Restitution', edited by John Henry Merryman.' American Journal of Archaeology, 11 (2.3). pp. 1-2.

Sriram, Chandra (2008) 'Review of 'Judges, Transition, and Human Rights' by John Morison, Kieran McEvoy, and Gordon Anthony.' Leiden Journal of International Law, 21 (4). pp. 1005-1009.

Baderin, Mashood (2008) 'Review of 'Sharia Implementation in Northern Nigeria 1999-2006: A Sourcebook'.' Muslim World Journal of Human Rights, 5 (1).

Lane, George (2008) 'Review of 'The Turks in the Early Islamic World', edited by Clifford Edmund Bosworth.' Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society, 18 (1). pp. 105-107.

Gerteis, Christopher (2008) 'Review of 'War Memory and Social Politics in Japan, 1945-2005' by Franziska Seraphim.' Journal of Asian Studies, 67 (3). pp. 1098-1100.

Baderin, Mashood (2008) 'Review of 'Women, The Koran and International Human Rights Law: The Experience of Pakistan'.' Yearbook of Islamic and Middle Eastern Law, 14 . pp. 453-458.

Ferrari, Rossella (2008) 'Review of A History of Contemporary Chinese Literature by Hong Zicheng.' The China Quarterly (194). pp. 448-449.

Hezser, Catherine (2008) 'Review of Alexander Samely, 'Forms of Rabbinic Literature and Thought. An Introduction'.' Journal of Jewish Studies, 59 (2). pp. 328-329.

McCartney, Matthew (2008) 'A Review of D. Tripathi and J. Jumani, "The Concise Oxford History of Indian Business".' Journal of Asian Affairs .

Howard, Keith (2008) 'Review of Daniel J. Schneck and Dorita S Berger, The Music Effect.' Ethnomusicology Forum, 17 (2).

Howard, Keith (2008) 'Review of Daniel Prior, The Semetey of Kenje Kara: A Kirghiz Epic Performance on Phonograph.' Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies, 71 (1). pp. 143-145.

Howard, Keith (2008) 'Review of David Aldridge and Jorg Fachner, Music and Altered States.' Ethnomusicology Forum, 17 (2).

Lane, George (2008) 'Review of Ed Husain, 'The Islamist'.' Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society, 18 (3). pp. 389-391.

Cabrita, Joel (2008) 'Review of Edwin Ardener, “The Voice of Prophecy".' Cambridge Journal of Anthropology, 27 (3). pp. 83-86.

Waghmar, Burzine (2008) 'Review of Elena Ku'zmina, The Origin of the Indo-Iranians (Leiden and Boston, 2007) and E. E. Kuzmina, The Prehistory of the Silk Road, ed. V. Mair (Philadelphia, 2008).' Journal of Inner Asian Art and Archaeology, 3 . pp. 185-186.

Pizziconi, Barbara (2008) 'Review of Endō Orie 'A Cultural History of Japanese Women’s Language'.' Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies, 71 (2). pp. 388-390.

Shindler, Colin (2008) 'Review of Giora Goldberg, 'Ben-Gurion against the Knesset'.' International Journal of Middle East Studies, 40 (1). pp. 152-154.

Hirschler, Konrad (2008) 'Review of In laudem Hierosolymitani: Studies in Crusades and Medieval Culture in Honour of Benjamin Z. Kedar, edited by I. Shagrir/R. Ellenblum/J. Riley-Smith.' Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies, 71 (3). pp. 572-573.

Hezser, Catherine (2008) 'Review of Israel J. Yuval, 'Two Nations in Your Womb: Perceptions of Jews and Christians in Late Antiquity and the Middle Ages'.' Journal of the American Academy of Religion, 76 (1). pp. 202-205.

Crosby, Kate (2008) 'Review of K.R.Norman, 'A Philological Approach to Buddhism', The Pali Text Society, Lancaster 2006.' Buddhist Studies Review, 25 (1). pp. 113-115.

Tobin, Damian (2008) 'Review of Kellee S. Tsai 'Capitalism without Democracy: The Private Sector in Contemporary China'.' Asian Affairs, 39 (2). pp. 310-325.

Reyes, Raquel A. G. (2008) 'Review of Mark M. Smith, 'Sensory History' (Berg Publishers, 2007).' Times Higher Education Supplement .

Howard, Keith (2008) 'Review of Martin Clayton and Bennett Zon, eds, Music and Orientalism in the British Empire, 1780s-1940s: Portrayal of the East.' Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies, 71 (3). pp. 609-612.

Lane, George (2008) 'Review of Michal Biran, 'Chinggis Khan'.' Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society, 18 (2). pp. 230-233.

McIlroy, David H. (2008) 'Review of Nigel Simmonds "Law as a Moral Idea".' Law Quarterly Review, 124 . pp. 339-343.

Charney, Michael W. (2008) 'Review of Penny Edwards, 'Cambodge: The Cultivation of a Nation 1860–1945'.' Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies, 71 (2). pp. 391-393.

McCartney, Matthew (2008) 'A Review of Rahul Mukherji (ed.), "India’s Economic Transition: The Politics of Reforms".' Journal of Development Studies, 44 (8). pp. 1236-1237.

Hezser, Catherine (2008) 'Review of Rivka Ulmer, ed., 'Discussing Cultural Differences. Text, Context, and Non-Text in Rabbinic Judaism', Lanham: University Press of America, 2007.' Theologische Literaturzeitung, 133 (10). pp. 1055-1057.

Ouyang, Wen-Chin (2008) 'Review of Roger Allen and D. S. Richards (eds), 'Arabic literature in the Post-Classical Period'.' International Journal of Middle East Studies, 40 (4). pp. 708-710.

Crosby, Kate (2008) 'Review of Rory Mackenzie, 'New Buddhist Movements in Thailand: Towards an understanding of Wat Phra Dhammakåya and Santi Asoke', Routledge, London and New York 2007.' South East Asia Research, 16 (1). pp. 144-146.

Salih, Ruba (2008) 'Review of Roy, O. 'Secularism confronts Islam'. New York: Columbia University Press, 2007.' International Affairs, 84 (6). pp. 1316-1317.

Howard, Keith (2008) 'Review of Rudiger Frank, James E Hoare, Patrick Kollner and Susan Pares, eds, Korea Yearbook 2007: Politics, Economy and Society.' Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies, 71 (3). pp. 605-606.

Hirschler, Konrad (2008) 'Review of Salah al-Din: al-Qa’id wa-‘asruhu by M. al-Hiyari, and Manhaj Salah al-Din al-Ayyubi fi al-hukm wa-al-qiyada by N. al-T. Sulayman.' al-Usur al-Wusta = العصور الوسطى = al-ʻUṣūr al-Wusṭá, 20 (1). pp. 31-32.

Ferrari, Rossella (2008) 'Review of Significant Other. Staging the American in China by Claire Conceison.' TDR The Drama Review, 52 (1). pp. 204-206.

Vittorini, Simona (2008) 'Review of Srirupa Roy, 'Beyond Belief: India and the Politics of Post-colonial Nationalism'.' Studies in Ethnicity and Nationalism, 8 (2). pp. 369-371.

Nelson, Matthew J. (2008) 'Review of Srirupa Roy, 'Beyond Belief: India and the Politics of Postcolonial Nationalism'.' Asian Affairs, 39 (2). pp. 287-288.

Lane, George (2008) 'Review of Stephen G. Haw, 'Marco Polo's China: A venetian in the realm of Khubilal Khan'.' Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society, 18 (3). pp. 378-381.

Yeon, Jaehoon (2008) 'Review of The Korean Language: Structure, use, and context.' Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies, 71 (1). pp. 158-159.

Nelson, Matthew J. (2008) 'Review of Vazira Fazila-Yaqoobali Zamindar, 'The Long Partition and the Making of Modern South Asia: Refugees, Boundaries, Histories'.' Asian Affairs, 39 (2). pp. 447-448.

Clark, Phil (2008) 'Review of Victor Peskin, 'International Justice in Rwanda and the Balkans: Virtual Trials and State Cooperation'.' Ethics and International Affairs, 22 (4).

Hirschler, Konrad (2008) 'Review of Violent Order: Religious Warfare, Chivalry, and the ‘Ayyar Phenomenon in the Medieval Islamic World by D. G. Tor.' Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies, 71 (2). pp. 371-372.

Chan, Stephen (2008) 'Review of Vivienne Jabri, 'War and the transformation of global politics'.' International Affairs, 84 (5). p. 1052.

Reyes, Raquel A. G. (2008) 'Review of Warwick Anderson, 'Colonial Pathologies: American tropical medicine, race and hygiene in the Philippines' (Duke University Press, 2006).' Medical History, 52 (3). pp. 424-426.

Howard, Keith (2008) 'Review of Zhou Xun and Francesca Tarocco, Karaoke: The Global Phenomenon.' Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies, 71 (2). pp. 395-397.

Tan, Tian Yuan (2008) 'Review of Zong-qi Cai ed., 'How to Read Chinese Poetry: A Guided Anthology'.' Monumenta Serica (56). pp. 519-521.

Kaiser, Tania (2008) 'Review of ‘Culture in Chaos: An Anthropology of the Social Condition in War’ By Stephen C. Lubkemann. Chicago and London: University of Chicago Press, 2008.' Journal of Refugee Studies, 21 (3). pp. 407-408.

Gore, Charles (2008) 'Review of ‘Transforming Museums: Mounting Queen Victoria in a Democratic South Africa’ Steven Dubin.' Africa Today, 55 (2). pp. 107-108.

Hawthorne, Sian (2008) 'Review of: 'In Praise of the Whip: A Cultural History of Arousal' by Niklaus Largier.' Culture and Religion, 9 (1). pp. 102-105.

Hezser, Catherine (2008) 'Review of: Emmanuel Friedheim, 'Rabbinisme et Paganisme en Palestine romaine'. Etude historique des Realia talmudiques (I - IV siecles), Leiden: Brill, 2006.' Frankfurter Judaistische Beitraege, 34 . pp. 201-204.

Laamann, Lars (2008) 'Review of: Historisk Tidskrift no. 127, 4 'Historical Journal' Swedish Historical Society, Stockholm. ISSN 0345-469X.' Journal of Global History, 3 (3). pp. 480-481.

Hezser, Catherine (2008) 'Review of: Juergen Zangenberg et al. (eds), 'Religion, Ethnicity and Identity in Ancient Galilee'. Tuebingen: Mohr-Siebeck, 2007.' Frankfurter Judaistische Beitraege, 34 . pp. 204-208.

Were, Graeme (2008) 'Review of: Knowing things: exploring the collections at the Pitt Rivers Museum 1884-1945 - By Chris Gosden and Frances Larson.' Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute, 14 (4). pp. 893-894.

Marriage, Zoe (2008) 'Review of: The African Stakes of the Congo War The Congo from Leopold to Kabila: A People's History Reinventing Order in the Congo: How People Respond to State Failure in Kinshasa.' Historical Materialism, 16 (1). pp. 225-238.

Kirsch, Griseldis (2008) 'Review of: ‘Sabine Frühstück, Uneasy Warriors: Gender, Memory and Popular Culture in the Japanese Army’.” Berkeley and Los Angeles: University of California Press, 2007.' East Asia: An International Quarterly, 25 (2). pp. 211-213.

Rao, Rahul (2008) 'Review: 'The Clash Within: Democracy, Religious Violence, and India's Future' by Martha Nussbaum.' Millennium: Journal of International Studies, 37 (1). pp. 245-247.

Alshaer, Atef (2008) 'Two poetry collections: Flawed Landscape, by Sharif S. Elmus, And Poets for Palestine, by Remi Kanazi (ed.).' Electronic Intifada .

Alshaer, Atef (2008) 'What Did We Do to Deserve This? Palestinian Life Under Occupation in the West Bank, by Mark Howell.' The Middle East in London .

Khalili, Laleh (2008) 'Women of Iraq War: A Review of Tara McKelvey’s One of the Guys and Monstering.' Feminist Review, 88 (1).

Alshaer, Atef (2008) 'A novel: The Year of the Revolutionary: The Bread Making Machine, by Hassan Daoud.' The Middle East in London, 4 (7).

Khalili, Laleh (2008) 'A review of Ilana Feldman’s Governing Gaza: Bureaucracy, Authority, and the Work of Rule, 1917-1967.' Times Higher Education .


McCausland, Shane (2008) Arts of the Book – East Asia. [Shows/Exhibitions]

Opinion Pieces / Media / Blogs

Charney, Michael W. (2008) China is an attractive model for Myanmar's generals. The Independent [Opinion Pieces / Media / Blogs]

Charney, Michael W. (2008) Comments on Crisis in Burma. Sky News (UK) [Opinion Pieces / Media / Blogs]

Hedger, Merylyn and Tanner, Thomas (2008) Does Climate Change Alter the Agenda for the Bottom Billion? IDS in focus [Opinion Pieces / Media / Blogs]


Lu, Xiaoning (2008) Biopolitics and Cinema: Practices, Representations, and the Moulding of the Socialist Subject in China, 1949-1966. PhD thesis. State University of New York at Stony Brook.

Gonsalves, Shirley Louise (2008) Community and identity: A case study of Luso Indian participation in the medical profession in nineteenth century Bombay. MPhil thesis. SOAS University of London. DOI:

Salvini, Mattia (2008) Convention and agency in the philosophies of the Mahayana. PhD thesis. SOAS University of London. DOI:

Cobbinah, Alexander Yao (2008) Das morphologisch unmarkierte Passiv in Bambara. Masters dissertation. University of Cologne.

So-Hartmann, Helga (2008) A Descriptive Grammar of Daai Chin. PhD thesis. SOAS University of London. DOI:

Hamdar, Abir (2008) The Female Suffering Body: Representations of Illness and Disability in Modern Arabic Literature of the Levant and Egypt 1950-2005. PhD thesis. SOAS University of London. DOI:

Sagna, Serge (2008) Formal and semantic properties of the Gujjolaay Eegimaa (a.k.a. Banjal) nominal classification system. PhD thesis. SOAS University of London. DOI:

Alafouzo, Marjo (2008) The Iconography of the Drinking Scene in the Dukhang at Alchi, Ladakh. PhD thesis. SOAS University of London. DOI:

Whitfield, Christopher (2008) Information gathering behaviour among academic researchers in different disciplines: ancient historians and research chemists. Masters dissertation. Thames Valley University.

Mazza, Roberto (2008) Jerusalem in the First World War: Transition from Ottoman to British rule (1914-1920). PhD thesis. SOAS University of London. DOI:

Newell, Catherine (2008) Monks, meditation and missing links: continuity, “orthodoxy” and the vijj dhammakya in Thai Buddhism. PhD thesis. SOAS University of London. DOI:

Guérois, Rozenn (2008) O pretérito no presente : identidade e memória sertanejas na arte de Juraci Dórea. Masters dissertation. University of Rennes 2.

Kane, David Michael (2008) Puthi-Pora : 'Melodic reading' and its use in the Islamisation of Bengal. PhD thesis. SOAS University of London. DOI:

Shoukri, Arafat Madi (2008) Refugee status in the Arab and Islamic tradition: A comparative study of Jiwar, Aman and the 1951 Geneva Convention relating to the status of refugees. PhD thesis. SOAS University of London. DOI:

Brownell, Josiah (2008) Rhodesia's War of Numbers: Racial Populations, Political Power, and the Collapse of the Settler State, 1960-1979. PhD thesis. SOAS University of London. DOI:

Lissoni, Arianna (2008) The South African Liberation Movements in Exile, c.1945-1970. PhD thesis. SOAS University of London. DOI:

Das Gupta, Chirashree (2008) State and capital in independent India : From dirigisme to neoliberalism. PhD thesis. SOAS University of London. DOI:

McCormack, Anna (2008) Subject and object pronominal agreement in the southern Bantu languages: From a dynamic syntax perspective. PhD thesis. SOAS University of London. DOI:

Bergqvist, Jan Henrik Goran (2008) Temporal reference in Lakandon Maya: Speaker and event perspectives. PhD thesis. SOAS University of London. DOI:

Kapalo, James A. (2008) Text, context and performance: The lay institutions of Gagauz Orthodoxy. PhD thesis. SOAS University of London. DOI:

Tasciotti, Luca (2008) Three essays on nutrition and economic growth. The case of Italy: 1880-1960. PhD thesis. Tor Vergata University.

Bellem, Alex (2008) Towards a comparative typology of emphatics: across Semitic and into Arabic dialect phonology. PhD thesis. SOAS University of London. DOI:

Hsu, Chu-ching (2008) Translation Strategies in Anglo-American Novels Translated Into Chinese With Special Reference to Terms of Address. PhD thesis. SOAS University of London. DOI:

McIlroy, David H. (2008) A Trinitarian Theology of Law: in conversation with Jurgen Moltmann, Oliver O'Donovan and Thomas Aquinas. PhD thesis. Spurgeon's College, University of Wales.

Dickens, Mark (2008) Turkāyē: Turkic Peoples in Syriac Literature prior to the Seljüks. PhD thesis. University of Cambridge.

Eng, Sunchuan Clarence (2008) The Use of Ceramic in Chinese Late Imperial Architecture. PhD thesis. SOAS, University of London. DOI:

Lewis, Jo (2008) Women Artists in Botswana in the Late Twentieth Century. PhD thesis. SOAS University of London. DOI:

Dlamini, Betty Sibongile (2008) Women and theatre for development in Swaziland. PhD thesis. SOAS University of London. DOI:

Hayter, Irena E. (2008) Words fall apart : The politics of form in 1930s Japanese fiction. PhD thesis. SOAS University of London. DOI:

Aljunied, Syed Muhd Khairudin (2008) The aftermath of the Maria Hertogh riots in colonial Singapore (1950-1953). PhD thesis. SOAS University of London. DOI:

Hill, Juliet E. (2008) The conjunto piano in 1940s Cuba: An analysis of the emergence of a distinctive piano role and style. PhD thesis. SOAS University of London. DOI:

Hostettler, Nicholas D. (2008) A critical theory of Eurocentrism. PhD thesis. SOAS University of London. DOI:

Garsten, Caroline Nicole (2008) A political reading of home and family in English language Singaporean novels (1972-2002). PhD thesis. SOAS University of London. DOI:

Novak, Paolo (2008) (The production of) Who is a Refugee? PhD thesis. SOAS University of London. DOI:

Manton, M. G. (2008) The rise of the British managing agencies in north eastern India 1836-1918. MPhil thesis. SOAS University of London. DOI:

Wray, Helena (2008) A stranger in the home: Immigration to the UK through marriage from 1962. PhD thesis. SOAS University of London. DOI:

Benchiba, Najat (2008) A structural analysis of Moroccan Arabic and English intra-sentential code switching. PhD thesis. SOAS University of London. DOI:


Ouyang, Wen-Chin, trans. (2008) ‘The Book of Alif’ (Chapter one of Sabi‘ ayyam al-khalq) by ‘Abd al-Khaliq al-Rikabi. Banipal: Magazine of Modern Arab Literature, 32 . London: Banipal Trust. pp. 106-125.

Hill, Nathan W., trans. (2008) Foundational Questions of Tibetan Morphology [Translation of "Grundfragen der tibetischen Morphologie" by Michael Hahn]. Tibet Journal, 33 (2). pp. 3-19.

Ouyang, Wen-Chin, trans. (2008) ‘Incident on Trafalgar Square’ by Haifa Zangana. Al-‘Arabiyya, 40/41 . Georgetown: Georgetown University Press. pp. 135-144.

Choi, Dongju and Kim, Heewon, trans. (2008) Indo Business Munwhaui Ihae. Doing Business in India . Seoul: Samsung Books.

Ichiro, Kataoka and Centeno, Marcos (translated by), trans. (2008) La evolución del Katsudo Shashin Benshi. L’Atalante. Revista Revista de Estudios Cinematográficos (7). Valencia: sociación Cineforum L'Atalante. pp. 37-45.

Hill, Nathan W. and Fee, Toby, trans. (2008) Love poems of the sixth Dalai Lama. (1, 2, 4, 25, 34, 36, 50, and 52.). The Harvard Advocate, Winter . pp. 80-91.

Lee, Yenn, trans. (2008) Park, Bogardus et l'enquête sur les relations interraciales dans la région du Pacifique. Modernité de Robert Ezra Park: Les concepts de l'Ecole de Chicago . Paris: L'Harmattan. pp. 189-212.

Orwin, Martin, trans. (2008) A Poem by Axmed Aw Geeddi. Journal of the Anglo-Somali Society (44). pp. 8-9.

Jiang, Yan, trans. (2008) 关联:交际与认知 [Relevance: Communication and Cognition]. Contemporary Linguistic Theory Series . Beijing: China Social Science Publishing House. pp. 1-432.

Miller, Owen and Tikhonov, Vladimir, trans. (2008) Selected Writings of Han Yongun: From Social Darwinism to ‘Socialism with a Buddhist Face’. London: Global Oriental.

Bruno, Cosima, trans. (2008) "Tempo" by Liu Yichang; "Il caso Mary" and "Mirabilia dalla citta' fluttuante" by Xi Xi. Milano: Mondadori.


Romanova, Valentina, Howard, Keith and Maltsev, Misha (2008) Chyskyyrai: Vocal Evocations of Sakha-Yakutia, Siberia (2). SOASIS. [Audio]

Al-Ali, Nadje (2008) Iraqi Women Under Threat: Are honour killings being used as a weapon to subjugate women? BBC Radio 4 Woman's Hour. [Audio]

Howard, Keith, Maltsev, Mihail and Borisova, Stepanida (2008) Stepanida: Vocal Evocations of Sakha-Yakutia, Siberia (1). SOASIS. [Audio]


Khan, Mushtaq (2008) Governance Reform and Economic Growth. SOAS and the Mo Ibrahim Foundation. Available from

Al-Ali, Nadje, Wild Iris Media and David, Perasso (2008) Iraqi Women: An Interview with Nadje Al-Ali. Wild Iris Media. Available from

Howard, Keith and Maltsev, Misha (2008) Siberia at the Centre of the World: Music, ritual and dance from Buryatia, Siberia. SOASIS DVD 07.

Howard, Keith and Maltsev, Misha (2008) Siberia at the Centre of the World: Music, ritual and dance from Sakha-Yakutia, Siberia. SOAS University of London. SOASis DVD06.


Saez, Lawrence (2008) POLEX-India dataset, version 2008.1. [Datasets] (Unpublished)

Simister, John (2008) Work, Attitudes and Spending in India, Brazil, South Africa, Indonesia, Nigeria, Kenya and Egypt, 1992 - 2007. [Datasets]


Lindley, Anna (2008) 'African Remittances and Progress: Opportunities and Challenges' Análisis del Real Instituto.' Madrid: Real Instituto Elcano.

Nissanke, Machiko and Jerve, Alf Morten (2008) 'Aid Effectiveness to Infrastructure: A Comparative Study of East Asia and Sub-Saharan Africa. Framework Paper.' JBICI Research Paper No. 36-1. Japan Bank for International Cooperation Institute.

Oette, Lutz (2008) 'Another Piece in the Puzzle: Accountability and Justice for International Crimes in Sudan.' University of Oxford, Centre for Socio-Legal Studies: Research Working Papers.

Yeon, Jaehoon and Brown, Lucien (2008) 'Chambers Korean Phrasebook.' London: Chambers Haraap Publishers Ltd.

Edge, Ian (2008) 'Commentary on the lecture of the Archbishop of Canterbury’s lecture on Islam in English Law.' Counsel . pp. 16-17.

Lindley, Anna (2008) 'Conflict-induced migration and remittances: exploring conceptual frameworks.' Oxford: Refugee Studies Centre Working Paper No.47. Refugee Studies Centre, University of Oxford.

Clark, Phil (2008) 'Congo Crisis: Two Misjudgements.' The New York Times.

Chan, Stephen (2008) 'Contribution to 'The Cultural Year 2007'.' Prospect, January 2008.

Fell, Dafydd (2008) 'Country Report: Taiwan.' Economist Intelligence Unit.

Chan, Stephen (2008) 'Croatia has moved on from its fascist past.' The Guardian, 18 September 2008.

Sperl, Stefan (2008) 'Crown versus Muhammad Asha: Expert Report on Arabic poetry exhibits ADG/36 and ADG/67.' commissioned by the defence council of Dr. Muhammad Asha (on trial for terrorism offences in Woolwich Crown Court).

Volz, Ulrich (2008) 'Delinking from the Dollar.' Far Eastern Economic Review .

CDPR (2008) 'Development Digest, no.1.' London: Centre for Development Policy and Research.

Volz, Ulrich (2008) 'Europe Needs a United Approach to the Credit Crunch.' The Wall Street Journal . p. 27.

Merin, Arthur and Nikolaeva, Irina (2008) 'Exclamative as a Universal Speech Act Category: a case study in Decision-Theoretic Semantics and typological implications.' Online Semantics Archive:

Sriram, Chandra, Brown, Stephen and Zahar, Marie-Joëlle (2008) 'For Zimbabwe, Talking Is No Cure.' The Guardian .

Kang, Jaeho (2008) 'The Frankfurt School.' In: International Encyclopedia of the Social Sciences. Volume 3. Detroit: Macmillan Reference USA. pp. 188-189.

Pang, Zhaoxia (2008) 'Integrated Study Pack for Elementary Chinese.' Sponsored by CETL (Centre for Excellence in Teaching and Learning). SOAS internal textbook. (Unpublished)

Wood, Abigail (2008) ''Jewish Music' and 'Klezmer' entries for Microsoft Encarta World English Edition digital encyclopedia.' Microsoft.

Achcar, Gilbert (2008) '‘La crisi a Beirut non è chiusa, ci vuole il dialogo, anche con Damasco’. [Interview].' Il Manifesto, Rome. 29 May 2008.

O'Meara, Simon (2008) 'Labyrinth: Moroccan Medinas.' The Middle East Institute's Architecture and Urbanism in the Middle East . Washington D.C.: The Middle East Institute. pp. 7-10.

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Olivares-Caminal, Rodrigo (2008) 'Los Holdouts Intensifican su Ataque.'

Charney, Michael W. (2008) 'Mandalay.' In Stearns, Peter N., (ed.), Oxford Encyclopedia of the Modern World 1750 to the Present. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Kang, Jaeho and Mattern, Shannon (2008) 'Media.' In: International Encyclopedia of the Social Sciences. Volume 5. Macmillan Reference USA. pp. 59-61.

Kennedy, Hugh (2008) 'The Mediterranean Frontier: Christianity face to face with Islam, 600–1050.' In: Cambridge History of Christianity. Cambridge University Press. pp. 178-196.

Kang, Jaeho (2008) 'Medium is the Message.' In: International Encyclopedia of the Social Sciences. Volume 5. Macmillan Reference USA. pp. 68-69.

Jennings, Michael (2008) 'The Mo Ibrahim Prize and Governance Index.' Royal African Society Website .

Rao, Rahul (2008) 'Mumbai: Why?' Global Policy Forum .

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Buehler, Michael (2008) 'No Positive News: People living with HIV in Indonesia face Corruption and Incompetence in the Health System.' Inside Indonesia, 94 .

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Hanieh, Adam (2008) 'Palestine in the Middle East: Opposing Neoliberalism and US Power.' Monthly Review MRZine.

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Howard, Keith (2008) 'Review of Byungki Hwang, The Best of Korean Gayageum Music.' Songlines (57).

Smith, I.O. (2008) 'Sidelining orthodoxy in quest for reality: Towards an efficient Legal Regime of Land Tenure in Nigeria.' University of Lagos Inaugural Lecture Series, 2008; published by the University of Lagos Press.

Chirwa, Ephraim, Dorward, Andrew and Kydd, Jonathan (2008) 'Smallholder Coffee Commercialisation in Malawi.' Future Agricultures Briefing Paper.

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Charney, Michael W. (2008) 'Yangon.' In Stearns, Peter N., (ed.), Oxford Encyclopedia of the Modern World 1750 to the Present. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Cullet, Philippe (2008) 'Year in Review: Commission on Sustainable Development.' Yearbook of International Environmental Law 2007, 18 (1). Oxford University Press. pp. 635-783.

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