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Ferrari, Rossella (2020) 'On the Pluriversality of the Avant-Garde: A Response to "The Future of Avant-Garde Studies: A European Roundtable".' Journal of Avant-Garde Studies, 1 (1). pp. 151-153.
Ferrari, Rossella (2020) Transnational Chinese Theatres: Intercultural Performance Networks in East Asia. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan. (Transnational Theatre Histories)
Ferrari, Rossella (2019) 'Asian Theatricalities in the Transpacific: The Hispanophone Transculturation of Nick Rongjun Yu’s The Crowd or, Performing the Chinese Cultural Revolution in Peru.' In: de Kloet, Jeroen, Chow, Yiu Fai and Pak Lei Chong, Gladys, (eds.), Trans-Asia as Method: Theory and Practices. Lanham: Rowman and Littlefield, pp. 115-139. (Asian Cultural Studies: Transnational and Dialogic Approaches)
Ferrari, Rossella (2019) 'Review of Tuan, Iris H., and Ivy I-Chu Chang, eds. "Transnational Performance, Identity and Mobility in Asia" (Singapore: Palgrave Pivot, 2018).' Theatre Research International, 44 (3). pp. 326-327.
Ferrari, Rossella (2017) 'Asian Theatre as Method: The Toki Experimental Project and Sino-Japanese Transnationalism in Performance.' TDR: The Drama Review, 61 (3). pp. 141-164.
Ferrari, Rossella (2017) 'Review of "The Theatre of David Henry Hwang" by Esther Kim Lee. London: Bloomsbury Methuen Drama, 2015.' Theatre Research International, 42 (1). pp. 109-110.
Ferrari, Rossella (2016) 'Contemporary Experimental Theaters in the PRC, Taiwan, and Hong Kong.' In: Denton, Kirk A., (ed.), The Columbia Companion to Modern Chinese Literature. New York: Columbia University Press.
Ferrari, Rossella and Pu, Bo (2016) 'Fei xifang yujing zhong liuxing, qianwei xiju de xin lilun he fangfalun goujian—— Lundun daxue SOAS xueyuan Fei Laili nüshi fangtan 非西方语境中流行、前卫戏剧的新理论和方法论构建——伦敦大学SOAS学院费莱丽女士访谈 [Constructing new theories and methodologies for popular and avant-garde theatres in non-Western contexts: interview with Rossella Ferrari, SOAS, University of London].' Sichuan xiju 四川戏剧 [Sichuan theatre] (5). pp. 4-8.
Ferrari, Rossella (2016) 'Performing Poetry on the Intermedial Stage: Flowers in the Mirror, Moon on the Water, and Beijing Avant-Garde Theatre in the New Millennium.' In: Li, Ruru, (ed.), Staging China: New Theatres in the Twenty-First Century. New York: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 123-140. (Chinese Literature and Culture in the World)
Ferrari, Rossella (2015) '"Zhongguo jianzhu yi bai nian": weishenme xin shiji women yi wu suo you 「中國建築一百年」︰為什麼新世紀我們一無所有 [Online].' Initium Media 端傳媒.
Ferrari, Rossella (2015) 'A Tale of Two Centuries: One Hundred Years of Chinese Architecture as a Reflection on Chinese Modernization” (English) / Liang ge shiji de duizhao: "Zhongguo jianzhu yibai nian" dui Zhongguo xiandaihua de fansi 兩個世紀的對照:「中國建築一百年」對中國現代化的反思 (Chinese) [Online].' One Hundred Years of Chinese Architecture Programme . Hong Kong: Zuni Icosahedron.
Ferrari, Rossella (2015) 'Review of "The Avant-Garde and the Popular in Modern China: Tian Han and the Intersection of Performance and Politics" by Liang Luo.' MCLC Resource Center .
Ferrari, Rossella (2014) 'Tang Our Contemporary: Twenty-First Century Adaptations of Peony Pavilion.' In: Santangelo, Paolo and Tan, Tian Yuan, (eds.), Passion, Romance, and Qing: The World of Emotions and States of Mind in Peony Pavilion (3 vols.). Leiden: Brill, pp. 1482-1522.
Ferrari, Rossella (2014) '"Tang Our Contemporary: Twenty-First Century Adaptations of Peony Pavilion": Supplementary Materials (Video Excerpts and Photo Gallery) [Online].'
Ferrari, Rossella (2013) 'Notes on the (Pop) Avant-Garde in China.' Berfrois.
Ferrari, Rossella (2013) 'Kua guo/kua meiti/kua wenben: dazhonghua diqu cong yinmu dao wutai de kuajie chuangzuo 跨国/跨媒体/跨文本 :大中華地區從銀幕到舞台的跨界創作.' 文化視野 / Cultural Vision (2). pp. 130-142.
Ferrari, Rossella (2012) Pop Goes The Avant-Garde: Experimental Theatre in Contemporary China. London: Seagull Books. (Enactments)
Ferrari, Rossella (2012) 'Architecture and/in Theatre from the Bauhaus to Hong Kong: Mathias Woo's 'Looking for Mies'.' New Theatre Quarterly, 28 (1). pp. 3-19.
Ferrari, Rossella (2012) 'The Avant-Garde is Dead, Long Live the (Pop) Avant-Garde! Critical Reconfigurations in Contemporary Chinese Theatre.' positions: asia critique, 20 (4). pp. 1127-1157.
Ferrari, Rossella (2011) 'Disenchanted Presents, Haunted Pasts, and Dystopian Futures: Deferred Millennialism in the Cinema of Meng Jinghui.' Journal of Contemporary China, 20 (71). pp. 699-721.
Ferrari, Rossella (2011) 'The Stage as a Drawing Board: Zuni Icosahedron’s Architecture Is Art Festival.' TDR: The Drama Review, 55 (1). pp. 137-148.
Ferrari, Rossella (2011) 'Beckett’s Chinese Progeny: Absurdity, Waiting, and the Godot Motif in Contemporary China.' In: Maufort, Marc and Figueira, Dorothy, (eds.), Theatres in the Round: Multi-ethnic, Indigenous, and Intertextual Dialogues in Drama. Bruxelles, Bern, Berlin, Frankfurt am Main, New York, Oxford, Wien: Peter Lang, pp. 133-159. (Dramaturgies)
Ferrari, Rossella (2010) 'Journey(s) to the East—-Travels, Trajectories, and Transnational Chinese Theatre(s).' Postcolonial Studies, 13 (4). pp. 351-366.
Ferrari, Rossella (2009) 'Review of "Origins of the Chinese Avant-Garde: The Modern Woodcut Movement" by Xiaobing Tang.' China Review International, 16 (2). pp. 271-275.
Ferrari, Rossella (2009) 'Review of "Children of Marx and Coca Cola: Chinese Avant-garde Art and Independent Cinema" by Xiaoping Lin.' China Review International, 16 (4). pp. 544-549.
Ferrari, Rossella (2008) 'Review of A History of Contemporary Chinese Literature by Hong Zicheng.' The China Quarterly (194). pp. 448-449.
Ferrari, Rossella (2008) 'Dalla Repubblica Popolare alla repubblica pop.' Hystrio. Trimestrale di teatro e spettacolo, 21 (3). pp. 56-59.
Ferrari, Rossella (2008) 'Review of Significant Other. Staging the American in China by Claire Conceison.' TDR The Drama Review, 52 (1). pp. 204-206.
Ferrari, Rossella (2008) 'Transnation/transmedia/transtext: border-crossing from screen to stage in Greater China.' Journal of Chinese Cinemas, 2 (1). pp. 53-65.
Ferrari, Rossella (2007) 'Avant-garde Drama and Theater: China.' In: Cody, Gabrielle and Sprinchorn, Evert, (eds.), The Columbia Encyclopaedia of Modern Drama. New York: Columbia University Press.
Ferrari, Rossella (2006) 'Gao Xingjian.' In: Wintle, Justin, (ed.), New Makers of Modern Culture. London: Routledge.
Ferrari, Rossella (2005) 'Anarchy in the PRC: Meng Jinghui and his Adaptation of Dario Fo's Accidental Death of an Anarchist.' Modern Chinese Literature and Culture, 17 (2). pp. 1-48.
Ferrari, Rossella (2005) 'Il selvaggio di Gao Xingjian: nativismo o modernismo? [Gao Xingjian's Wild Man: Nativism or Modernism?].' In: Scarpari, M. and Lippiello, Tiziana, (eds.), Caro Maestro... Scritti in onore di Lionello Lanciotti per l'ottantesimo compleanno. Venice: Cafoscarina, pp. 533-545.
Ferrari, Rossella (2005) 'Review of Gao Xingjian and Transcultural Chinese Theater by Sy Ren Quah.' Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies, 68 (2). pp. 333-335.
Ferrari, Rossella (2004) Da Madre Courage e i suoi figli a Jiang Qing e i suoi mariti. Percorsi brechtiani in Cina. [From Mother Courage and her Children to Jiang Qing and her Husbands. Brechtian Trajectories in China]. Venice: Cafoscarina.
Ferrari, Rossella (2001) 'Verso una nuova concezione teatrale: Huang Zuolin e la xieyi xijuguan. [Towards a New Theatrical Conception: Huang Zuolin and his xieyi xijuguan].' Asiatica Venetiana, 6-7 (2001-2002). pp. 111-138.