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Number of items: 36.

Authored Books

Ferrari, Rossella (2020) Transnational Chinese Theatres: Intercultural Performance Networks in East Asia. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan. (Transnational Theatre Histories)

Ferrari, Rossella (2012) Pop Goes The Avant-Garde: Experimental Theatre in Contemporary China. London: Seagull Books. (Enactments)

Ferrari, Rossella (2004) Da Madre Courage e i suoi figli a Jiang Qing e i suoi mariti. Percorsi brechtiani in Cina. [From Mother Courage and her Children to Jiang Qing and her Husbands. Brechtian Trajectories in China]. Venice: Cafoscarina.

Book Chapters

Ferrari, Rossella (2019) 'Asian Theatricalities in the Transpacific: The Hispanophone Transculturation of Nick Rongjun Yu’s The Crowd or, Performing the Chinese Cultural Revolution in Peru.' In: de Kloet, Jeroen, Chow, Yiu Fai and Pak Lei Chong, Gladys, (eds.), Trans-Asia as Method: Theory and Practices. Lanham: Rowman and Littlefield, pp. 115-139. (Asian Cultural Studies: Transnational and Dialogic Approaches)

Ferrari, Rossella (2016) 'Contemporary Experimental Theaters in the PRC, Taiwan, and Hong Kong.' In: Denton, Kirk A., (ed.), The Columbia Companion to Modern Chinese Literature. New York: Columbia University Press.

Ferrari, Rossella (2016) 'Performing Poetry on the Intermedial Stage: Flowers in the Mirror, Moon on the Water, and Beijing Avant-Garde Theatre in the New Millennium.' In: Li, Ruru, (ed.), Staging China: New Theatres in the Twenty-First Century. New York: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 123-140. (Chinese Literature and Culture in the World)

Ferrari, Rossella (2014) 'Tang Our Contemporary: Twenty-First Century Adaptations of Peony Pavilion.' In: Santangelo, Paolo and Tan, Tian Yuan, (eds.), Passion, Romance, and Qing: The World of Emotions and States of Mind in Peony Pavilion (3 vols.). Leiden: Brill, pp. 1482-1522.

Ferrari, Rossella (2011) 'Beckett’s Chinese Progeny: Absurdity, Waiting, and the Godot Motif in Contemporary China.' In: Maufort, Marc and Figueira, Dorothy, (eds.), Theatres in the Round: Multi-ethnic, Indigenous, and Intertextual Dialogues in Drama. Bruxelles, Bern, Berlin, Frankfurt am Main, New York, Oxford, Wien: Peter Lang, pp. 133-159. (Dramaturgies)

Ferrari, Rossella (2007) 'Avant-garde Drama and Theater: China.' In: Cody, Gabrielle and Sprinchorn, Evert, (eds.), The Columbia Encyclopaedia of Modern Drama. New York: Columbia University Press.

Ferrari, Rossella (2006) 'Gao Xingjian.' In: Wintle, Justin, (ed.), New Makers of Modern Culture. London: Routledge.

Ferrari, Rossella (2005) 'Il selvaggio di Gao Xingjian: nativismo o modernismo? [Gao Xingjian's Wild Man: Nativism or Modernism?].' In: Scarpari, M. and Lippiello, Tiziana, (eds.), Caro Maestro... Scritti in onore di Lionello Lanciotti per l'ottantesimo compleanno. Venice: Cafoscarina, pp. 533-545.

Journal Article

Ferrari, Rossella (2020) 'On the Pluriversality of the Avant-Garde: A Response to "The Future of Avant-Garde Studies: A European Roundtable".' Journal of Avant-Garde Studies, 1 (1). pp. 151-153.

Ferrari, Rossella (2017) 'Asian Theatre as Method: The Toki Experimental Project and Sino-Japanese Transnationalism in Performance.' TDR: The Drama Review, 61 (3). pp. 141-164.

Ferrari, Rossella (2015) '"Zhongguo jianzhu yi bai nian": weishenme xin shiji women yi wu suo you 「中國建築一百年」︰為什麼新世紀我們一無所有 [Online].' Initium Media 端傳媒.

Ferrari, Rossella (2013) 'Notes on the (Pop) Avant-Garde in China.' Berfrois.

Ferrari, Rossella (2013) 'Kua guo/kua meiti/kua wenben: dazhonghua diqu cong yinmu dao wutai de kuajie chuangzuo 跨国/跨媒体/跨文本 :大中華地區從銀幕到舞台的跨界創作.' 文化視野 / Cultural Vision (2). pp. 130-142.

Ferrari, Rossella (2012) 'Architecture and/in Theatre from the Bauhaus to Hong Kong: Mathias Woo's 'Looking for Mies'.' New Theatre Quarterly, 28 (1). pp. 3-19.

Ferrari, Rossella (2012) 'The Avant-Garde is Dead, Long Live the (Pop) Avant-Garde! Critical Reconfigurations in Contemporary Chinese Theatre.' positions: asia critique, 20 (4). pp. 1127-1157.

Ferrari, Rossella (2011) 'Disenchanted Presents, Haunted Pasts, and Dystopian Futures: Deferred Millennialism in the Cinema of Meng Jinghui.' Journal of Contemporary China, 20 (71). pp. 699-721.

Ferrari, Rossella (2011) 'The Stage as a Drawing Board: Zuni Icosahedron’s Architecture Is Art Festival.' TDR: The Drama Review, 55 (1). pp. 137-148.

Ferrari, Rossella (2010) 'Journey(s) to the East—-Travels, Trajectories, and Transnational Chinese Theatre(s).' Postcolonial Studies, 13 (4). pp. 351-366.

Ferrari, Rossella (2008) 'Dalla Repubblica Popolare alla repubblica pop.' Hystrio. Trimestrale di teatro e spettacolo, 21 (3). pp. 56-59.

Ferrari, Rossella (2008) 'Transnation/transmedia/transtext: border-crossing from screen to stage in Greater China.' Journal of Chinese Cinemas, 2 (1). pp. 53-65.

Ferrari, Rossella (2005) 'Anarchy in the PRC: Meng Jinghui and his Adaptation of Dario Fo's Accidental Death of an Anarchist.' Modern Chinese Literature and Culture, 17 (2). pp. 1-48.

Ferrari, Rossella (2001) 'Verso una nuova concezione teatrale: Huang Zuolin e la xieyi xijuguan. [Towards a New Theatrical Conception: Huang Zuolin and his xieyi xijuguan].' Asiatica Venetiana, 6-7 (2001-2002). pp. 111-138.

Book Reviews

Ferrari, Rossella (2019) 'Review of Tuan, Iris H., and Ivy I-Chu Chang, eds. "Transnational Performance, Identity and Mobility in Asia" (Singapore: Palgrave Pivot, 2018).' Theatre Research International, 44 (3). pp. 326-327.

Ferrari, Rossella (2017) 'Review of "The Theatre of David Henry Hwang" by Esther Kim Lee. London: Bloomsbury Methuen Drama, 2015.' Theatre Research International, 42 (1). pp. 109-110.

Ferrari, Rossella (2015) 'Review of "The Avant-Garde and the Popular in Modern China: Tian Han and the Intersection of Performance and Politics" by Liang Luo.' MCLC Resource Center .

Ferrari, Rossella (2009) 'Review of "Origins of the Chinese Avant-Garde: The Modern Woodcut Movement" by Xiaobing Tang.' China Review International, 16 (2). pp. 271-275.

Ferrari, Rossella (2009) 'Review of "Children of Marx and Coca Cola: Chinese Avant-garde Art and Independent Cinema" by Xiaoping Lin.' China Review International, 16 (4). pp. 544-549.

Ferrari, Rossella (2008) 'Review of A History of Contemporary Chinese Literature by Hong Zicheng.' The China Quarterly (194). pp. 448-449.

Ferrari, Rossella (2008) 'Review of Significant Other. Staging the American in China by Claire Conceison.' TDR The Drama Review, 52 (1). pp. 204-206.

Ferrari, Rossella (2005) 'Review of Gao Xingjian and Transcultural Chinese Theater by Sy Ren Quah.' Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies, 68 (2). pp. 333-335.


Ferrari, Rossella and Pu, Bo (2016) 'Fei xifang yujing zhong liuxing, qianwei xiju de xin lilun he fangfalun goujian—— Lundun daxue SOAS xueyuan Fei Laili nüshi fangtan 非西方语境中流行、前卫戏剧的新理论和方法论构建——伦敦大学SOAS学院费莱丽女士访谈 [Constructing new theories and methodologies for popular and avant-garde theatres in non-Western contexts: interview with Rossella Ferrari, SOAS, University of London].' Sichuan xiju 四川戏剧 [Sichuan theatre] (5). pp. 4-8.

Ferrari, Rossella (2015) 'A Tale of Two Centuries: One Hundred Years of Chinese Architecture as a Reflection on Chinese Modernization” (English) / Liang ge shiji de duizhao: "Zhongguo jianzhu yibai nian" dui Zhongguo xiandaihua de fansi 兩個世紀的對照:「中國建築一百年」對中國現代化的反思 (Chinese) [Online].' One Hundred Years of Chinese Architecture Programme . Hong Kong: Zuni Icosahedron.

Ferrari, Rossella (2014) '"Tang Our Contemporary: Twenty-First Century Adaptations of Peony Pavilion": Supplementary Materials (Video Excerpts and Photo Gallery) [Online].'

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